I had a great time in this scenerio, . . and did uhh particularly well .. . I Salute both sides for a great fight!!
We all upped in 190a8's and 109g10's exactly as the rules stipulated, and it happened through mission planner so we were all on the same wave length. ...
after we encountered the first band of p51's the folks who got shot down on our side were allowed to re-up in a 190d9, but only for that few minutes, .. . i think the reason this happened was that we made the point that the p51's were restricted by rules to be within visual range of the b17's, but there were no b17's in the area. Only a few people actually upped in a d9 at this point.. i scored all 4 kills in the original g10, and was fighting right up till i ran out of ammo and fuel, . . was a GREAT battle with you Storm, i appreciate such fun!!! the Ta152 thing didn't happen until the frame was considered to be over i think.... or until the second frame, which i get the impression is less official ...,
anyway, that's my experience of the thing, . ..and i can tell ya i was scarred in my 109 comin into the formation of b17's with what seemed like 25 p51's all around me, and very few friendlies, . .but i kept speed above 400mph, and never slowed down, . . ...
thanks to the CM's, . .the CO's, . and everyone who participated
Daniko the madfish