Author Topic: Torpedo 8 Results  (Read 326 times)

Offline Wilbus

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Torpedo 8 Results
« on: September 02, 2001, 10:33:00 AM »
Torpedo 8 Suterday results.

Scores Frame 1.

Japanese Points and Kills.

Duvel: 2 Kills 1 Assist
Guiness: 2 Kills 1 Assist
Eagleace: 2 Kills
iceMaw: 1 Kill 1 Assist
Ghosth: 1 Kill
MrSmiley: 1 Kill
Malm: 1 Kill
Propmaw: 2 Assists

8 TBM's and 2 F6F's shot down.
Score: 15x8 + 2x10 = 140 Points.

US Points and Kills.

Rosco: 1 Kill 1 Assist
Wilfred: 1 Kill 1 Assist
Artlaw: 1 Kill
BNg: 1 Kill
Furzy: 1 Kill
Naso: 1 Assist

5 A6M5's were shot down.

5x10 = 50 points.

No Japanese ships were sunk, victory goes to the Japanese Empire! Congruats all!

Scores Frame 2.

Japanese Points and Kills.

MrSmiley: 2 Kills
Duvel: 1 Kill
Eagleace: 1 Kill
GA: 1 Kill

2 TBM's and 3 F6F's were shot down.

2x15 + 3x10 = 60 Points.

US Points and Kills.

Corwin: 1 Kill
Kentso: 1 Kill

Redbull sunk a Destroey with a well aimed torpedo wich struck the Ship in the middle, braking it in 2 pieces before it sunk.

SnoGoose pulled of a fanzy move by flying around the Japanese forces, going HO with the fleet, dodging small arms and cannon fire untill he relased the Torpedo 200 yards away from the Japanese Carrier Akagi. It was too late for the Commander of Akagi to manuver and the Torpedo struck Akagi in the bow, making a big enough hole to send here to the bottom.
SnoGoose was last seen in a cloud of tracers being chased by 3 A6M5's.

2 A6M5's were shot down.
2 Ships were sunk, including the carrier Akagi.

2x10 + 200 (Destroyer) = 220 points.
The Sinking of any larger ship results in an emidiate victory for the US forces.
Akagi was sunk togather with a higher US Score results in a US Victory.

WTG US, great show!

I am not sure wether Frame 2 Kill results are right or wrong, I remeber seing some of you guys getting a higher number of kills then I have posted here. If you had more kills, please post them here. Thanks all  :)
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

Liberating Livestock since 1998, recently returned from a 5 year Sheep-care training camp.

Offline snafu

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Torpedo 8 Results
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2001, 12:22:00 PM »
Sounds like it was a excellent event. Anyone have any figures for the Friday night event?
