Author Topic: Why do You fly what You fly??  (Read 3586 times)


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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2001, 01:57:00 AM »
Nash if yer gonna quote somebody, add the smilies and quotation marks they put.  Quoting someone and changing the tone of their post is rude.

Read all the replys, not a SINGLE put down of another pilot, the only CRAP that shows up is from people just being rude.

Funny how the only thing negative on this thread is the junk that keeps being posted by people saying this is a negative post.

If you think tis a negative post DONT POST ON IT, leave the people who actually have something to contribute alone, there are plenty of other secions for you to spread yer negative drivel, because there is no need for it here

I sparred with Duma for a while in the TA using several different planes, im kinda taking a shine to the LA-5 but im having trouble getting past its gunnery shortcomings, doese anyone have and tips as to how to use it properly?  its hard to do high deflection shots because of the FOV and ya for sure cant do spray and pray cause ya only get 400 rounds....what is the best tactic to use the LA-5??????

that makes the most sense, but i guess lots of people (myself included) get "stuck" on a certin plane, i guess we kinda bond with our favorite (how corny)  like no matter what i have to do ill take the p-38, even if i am attacking panzers ill use it (which i admit is dumb) it probably not the "ideal" thing to do but oh well its my favorite.  

"fly'em all" is probably the best thing to do but most of us cant pull ourselves away from our fav's to do it, i know i cant.

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2001, 03:18:00 AM »

I'm gettin' kinda tired of bein' called everything in the book for the plane I choose to fly.

Put as many smileys in front of it as ya want... this stuff is wearin' thin.

[This message has been edited by Nash (edited 03-03-2001).]

Offline Creamo

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #62 on: March 03, 2001, 04:41:00 AM »
Wow, impressive post Seeker, your hurting my feelings more though, I’m so sad now damn it.

As Grunturdnst now worships you, I must differ in his opinion of your cleverness, and punctuation . Call it my ˝ perception.

The verb of the sentence must agree with the subject in number and person, so your saying, “thinks $30 a month entitles you to a intellect” in fact proves you have a will to promote yourself while trying to discount my intellect, yet at the same time just disproves yours.  

Plus, you spelled “realize” and “behooves” wrong.

I addressed a Chog/Nik whine as I thought appropriate, and in fact the “community” you are trying to be so “inclusive” in, is better off if these whines are finally met with a bit of rudeness, and straight forwardness saying basically…”knock this toejam off.”  I chose to say so.

 Your trying to make me “exclusive” for not putting up with this mindless drivel that is counterproductive to the MA is much more concerning.

Overall grade on your response,… D- Seeker. L

See Kerien after class.

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #63 on: March 03, 2001, 05:02:00 AM »

Mmm... Mpph... Mphhahaa Bwahaha!

God it's always priceless when people underestimate Creamo and get whacked upside the head  

Offline Wingnut_0

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #64 on: March 03, 2001, 07:46:00 AM »

I've been awestruck by planes since I was tiny.  When I started getting old enough to really be interested in WWII, I watched some Old documentary and it had several minutes of 190 footage.  I thought and still think that the 190A series is absolutely the most beautiful fighter ever (besides the new Euro fighter  ).  It's small size, sleek lines and roaring radial says it all.

I've flown it in every online and offline flight sim I've tried.  I'm just now starting to fly it again in AH cause when I first got here in 1.03 I had a terrible time in it.  So stuck mainly to my second favorite the 109F    


The quality of the box matters little.  Success depends upon the man who sits in it  -  Baron Manfred von Richthofen

[This message has been edited by Wingnut_0 (edited 03-03-2001).]

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #65 on: March 03, 2001, 08:12:00 AM »
Wobble, read your original post, then think about it. I'm glad you choose to fly different aircraft, and I would agree it is good to fly all the planes- ALL OF THEM!

I see posts like yours in the MA that drive people to log in disgust, as they are sick to death of having people call them names for their choice of plane rides. I listen to the pathetic whines of people who rant and rave on the country channel because people won't help them capture a base, or defend their goon, or come save an airfield... not talking about the cries for help, I mean specifically the people who go on for 10-20 minutes about how everyone on the side sucks, how "We shoulda done this!". Now you start another post that basically ends by doing precisely that, and it isn't inclusive in the least- quite the opposite.

Cut from another thread:
Wow, most people here seem to get it, though a few apparently don't.
These games are about fun. They are about this games ability to create a small cacoon we wrap around ourselves for a few fleeting moments, where we forget the rest of the world and its problems for a little while. They are a release from our dull lives. They release the "Walter Mitty" in us. They let us live our fantasy historical lives. They are about putting us in a place where, in our small part of the universe we are in charge. They are all that and more, and for that reason you are going to have a vastly different opinion on what is "right or wrong" or even "how the game should be played". I laugh to myself anytime I read someone say something like "man, those dweebs that do XXXX just don't get it, they should play the way it REALLY should be done!"

Seems to me that, so long as they are playing within the rules of the game and are having a good time they ARE playing the game the right way. -Kieren

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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2001, 10:33:00 AM »
That is a fantastic quote.



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Why do You fly what You fly??
« Reply #67 on: March 03, 2001, 02:29:00 PM »
Ya know what READ THE whoopee THING!, not a single bash of another pilot or his prefrences!! just a bunch of people talking about what plane they like! THATS IT.  if this post was full of people calling others "dweebs" and toejam i would understand yer point BUT ITS NOT, so SHUT UP ABOUT IT BEING NEGATIVE!  The only negative CRAP on its is from you IDIOTS saying that its negative.  So if ya want to talk about yer favorite plane please do if not STFU

I havent called anyone a "dweeb" on this post, and neither has anyone else, everyone (accept a few MORONS who are not even posting about the topic) are having a good time, now quit clogging an interesting thread with your CRAP

EDIT: notice there were 10 just fine posts where people were just talking about their favorite planes till SOMEONE came on ad insulted ME, but then even after that there are tons of perfectly nice and to the point of the aside from to people saying this post is negative..there is nothing negative.   fancy that.

[This message has been edited by TheWobble (edited 03-03-2001).]