Author Topic: AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001  (Read 740 times)

Offline hblair

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« on: April 06, 2001, 11:50:00 PM »
My first event as a CM went extremely smooth, mostly due to the help of Cobra and banana. I was very impressed by the behavior and maturity of all in the arena tonight. banana, Cobra and I were watching all over the arena during the fiercest fighting, planes going down in flames, and not a word was typed over channel one for at least 5 minutes. And even then, they were congratulatory.

The "snapshot" consisted of a German bombing raid flown by JU88's with bf109f's as escorts. Ripsnort was the CO of the Luftwaffe side. The brits were led by SwoopGB as CO, leading his spit5 interceptors. The two sides met as the Luftwaffe was about halfway to target. The spitfire hordes dove past the 109's and inflicted heavy damage on the JU88 flight. However, the bf109's began to even the field after a while, and cleared the way for some of the JU88's to get to their targets. Both sides fought hard in a very enjoyable Snapshot. BTW, this one was designed by daddog.        

Here are some screens taken during the frame...

The spit5's and 109f's duke it out on the deck

Some of ripsnorts JU88's make it to the refienery, although badly mauled by SwoopGB's spit5's

The brits refinery in ruins after the JU88 strike

A JU88 struggles to make it home after delivering his bombs

Hope to see you at the next event.
<S> all!

[This message has been edited by hblair (edited 04-07-2001).]

Offline daddog

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2001, 09:46:00 AM »
4 AM here as I go over the logs with nothing else to do in my sleepless stupor. Saving hblair some work.  

3 points for each ground target
10 points for each fighter destroyed
20 points for each bomber destroyed

LW Scores

Bd5Pilot - 2 Spits
JT68 - 2 Spits
BigJoe - 2 Spits
Jam23rd - 1 Spit
Omaxo - 1 Spit
DaniKo4 - 1 Spit
Iambear - 1 Spit

110 points

Camel - 4 assists
Jam23rd - 2 assists
Mrfish - 2 assists
Aztec - 1 assist
DaniKo4 - 1 assist
Hizakite - 1 assist
BD5Pilot - 1 assist
Jebo44 - 1 assist
BigJoe - 1 assist
Ripsnort - 1 assist

BD5Pilot - 5 Ground targets
Jt68 - 5 Ground targets
BigJoe - 4 Ground targets
Jam23rd - 4 Ground targets
Hizakite - 3 Ground targets

110 points for fighters shot down
63 points for ground targets destroyed
Total 173 points

RAF Scores

SwoopGB - 2 Ju88, 1 - 109
Shadoogy 1 Ju88, 1 - 109
Frodo - 1 Ju88, 1 - 109
Holder 1 - Ju88
Ammo 1 - Ju88
KILLJOY 1 - 109
Hening 1 - Ju88
GIJeff 1 - 109

CJ 2 - assists
KILLJOY 1 - assist
Furzy 1 - assist
Shadoogy 1 - assist
Frodo 1 - assist

140 for bombers destroyed
50 points for fighters destroyed
Total 190

Very close! <S> Check my math. Have had little sleep.

I should add it would have been a LW victory if I gave more points for larger ground targets destroyed, (buildings and such).  I gave every ground target 3 points be it an ack or fuel refinery building. The RAF lost 4 buildings in the raid.
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Offline Ripsnort

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2001, 11:39:00 AM »
Extreme fun factor!  That last shot was bigjoe and myself as gunner, Bigjoe should get a Iron Cross with Oak clusters for not only taking over as FL when I was shot down, but managing to outmanuever 3 enemy spits, only to be shot down 1/2 way home with engine missing, Rudders out, and Gunner bingo ammo (but full load in pants!)

<S> All!

Offline Swoop

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2001, 12:08:00 PM »

That was one the best events I've flown in.  The only thing that woulda made it better would be to have it on a British it was we knew almost exactly which way the JU-88s would come from.


Offline Swoop

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2001, 12:10:00 PM »
P.S.  One of those three kills was me colliding with Hazed (damn latecomers, flying in low  ), I lost half a wing and had to land at A16.....didnt.  lol


Offline aztec

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2001, 05:50:00 PM »
A very fun event..thx and <S> to all.  

Offline mrfish

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AAR- "Targets over London" April 6th, 2001
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2001, 07:49:00 PM »
lotsa fun! we were lookin mean