Author Topic: ICONS  (Read 620 times)

Offline J_A_B

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« on: November 10, 2001, 01:42:00 AM »
I see a lot of people on the AH boards who seem to want to play with no ICONS.  The main problem with no ICONS, of course, is aircraft identification.  

Would there be support for a short (a sort of test) NO ICON event using planes with which identification would NOT be a problem?  Proposed planeset--P-51D, P-47D-30, P-38L, B-17G; versus 109G-6, 109G-10, 190A8, 190D-9, Ju-88, 190F-8.

Since "dark" is German, and "silver" is USAAF, identification wouldn't be much of a problem at all.  It might be tough to tell a 190F-8 from, say, a 190A-8, but then again that was tough in reality, too.

Has a NO ICON event using such a planeset been attempted before?  Did it work out?  If not, anyone care to try it?  Might be a good idea for a snapshot-type event.\


Offline Seeker

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2001, 08:52:00 AM »
Problem is JAB, that while CM's can restrict icon range, no icons is a FE/user setting. A CM can't enforce it.

Otherwise I'd be asking for a no icon Wild Wednesday.

Sling/Daddog do seem amenable to suggestions/requests, however, so you might try asking them to run a WW type event on the shortest possible settings; just don't be surprised if they say you have to win one to get the settings you want  :)

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2001, 01:13:00 PM »
wouldn't NO ICON be the same thing as ICON range = 0 or 1 yard??

Works the same in practice    :)


Offline sling322

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« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2001, 05:29:00 PM »
Seeker is correct on this one JAB.  We can set the icons to either short or long.  We cannot as CM's turn them off.  

If you wanna run icons short in the WW, just let me know.  I see no reason why we cant do this to see what everyone thinks.

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2001, 07:59:00 PM »
"We can set the icons to either short or long. We cannot as CM's turn them off. "

Damn.   Theres something for HTC to change.

What is the range of Short ICONS?


Offline sling322

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« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2001, 09:15:00 PM »
Dont quote me on this one JAB...but I believe the short version is enemy icons at 3k.  Not real sure though...I need to check my stuff at home to find out.  Maybe one of the old CM veterans will jump in and help me with this one.   :)

Offline daddog

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« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2001, 10:32:00 PM »
3k short
9k long

We have asked for other icon settings, but so far the answer has been no.  :(
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Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2001, 11:11:00 PM »
Well, scratch that idea then, thanks for the replys though.

Might be something to keep in mind for some date in the future.


Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2001, 10:32:00 PM »
Our squad has played a lot of no-icons and friendly-icons-only games in the H2H.

No-icons is usually too confusing and leads to dot chasing, only to find out that you're after your own wingie. Also, RW in this situation is a must. It is *absolutely* impossible to achieve anything without voice comms in a totally iconless environment.

We've found that friendly-icons-only is the optimal setting for "realistic" gaming, what ever that means.  ;)  This is the setting that we've used in squad-to-squad duels.

What I like the best about no-enemy-icons games is that gunnery becomes a bit more realistic without the laser range finder. Also true surprise bouncing and terrain masking become much more useful.

Pretty please HTC, add a "no enemy icons" option into the CM settings!

CO, Lentolaivue 34
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Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2001, 11:12:00 PM »
I joined in a squad based duel in the DA with an honour based no icon setting.  It was great fun.  We used allied vs axis match ups and it was great for the realism.  Tracking planes without icons was very difficult and the pucker factor was huge because you didn't immediately know if the guy behind you was closing or not.

If there is any way to persuade HTC to put no-icons into the code, DO IT!!!!  It's great fun.

Offline mjolnir

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« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2001, 07:28:00 PM »
As always, if you really want to fly without icons, just keep pushing Alt-I until they go away   :D

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2001, 07:38:00 PM »
Originally posted by MJ:
As always, if you really want to fly without icons, just keep pushing Alt-I until they go away    :D

Squad nights in the MA can't get much better than that!  :)

CO, Lentolaivue 34
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Offline 38isPorked

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« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2001, 11:22:00 AM »
Aces High REALLY shines without ENEMY icons. It rules in H2H and i've even tried it in the MA for a few hours, it makes the action much, much more real and intense.

With no ENEMY icons you really have to maintain an SA, since you dont have the arcadish billboard icons screaming thats theres an enemy plane of type "X" at your "X" O'clock and at "X" distance.

With no ENEMY icons teamwork becomes part of the game. 6 calls are plentiful.

The dogfights become real tests of skill, in the MA you can sciscor and maintain perfect SA vs your opponent thanks to the icons, all you need is to have the mere wingtip visible and you get the big neon billboard. Without enemy icons, planes can do manouvers AND make you lose sight of them. Typical dogfights without enemy icons consist of many engage-turn/sciscor/vert fight-lose sight-disengage/extend-reaquire vis, re-engage. There is also a much higher number of 1-1 fights without enemy icons just because there IS no icon to scream that there is an enemy plane 5k below you. The gang-bangs are rare and people usually engage in fights of FLIGHT vs FLIGHT... and if the lone SOB gets jumped by a FLIGHT from above, he can still elude them by making them lose sight of him and run away.

IMO, the CT should be iconless. It would be the ultimate arena. Real fuel, historical matchups, no icons. If you could capture bases in the CT i'd LIVE there.