The CO of the Hired Guns has appointed me as the new recruiting officer of the squad. Mainly because of my magnetic personality, good looks, even temper and the fact that I have more then a high school vocabulary which is needed to communicate to prospective recruits.
The Hired Guns are a group of Guys 40 years and older who don't take the game too serious and always above everything else have fun. We however are very competitive and make every effort to provide our opponents with a fair and worthy fight in the air and on the ground. We on occasion focus on helping the weaker side and do what we can to assist the other squads in need. We are not opposed to base taking but presently don't have the numbers to do it as a squad, yet.
I can guaranty that your will laugh you donut off when your a part of the squad and will come to appreciate the crusty ex cop that was on the take for the majority of his service to the less then beautiful city of New Jersey CO 3Lips. We have survived many intersquad riffs only to come out still a squad. Anyone interested in trying us out you can email me through the forum or look for any of the squad members and ask if you can fly with them.
recruiting officer Hired Guns