what do you all think of the aviation "lawyers".. you know the guys that sit there and nitpick every little thing everyone else does, calling foul on all things, real or imagined... I understand there are ethics, and unwritten rules to the game, but those who complan at EVERY perceived infraction, every 5 minutes, and always are the quickest to point out violations are annoying as hell..
These are the guys that complain that everything someone else does is unfair, and probably spams HTC email with video and screenshots of some injustice.. How do you all deal with these guys??

Just like any other group of players, you are going to encounter those that have different priorities than you do. As you play AH more, you may find that your interests and priorities also change.
You will also encounter those with different behavior and emotional levels than you have. Just like there's going to be the guy that pitches a fit for being the one pulled over out of a crowd of 10 other cars, all doing well above the speed limit, you will encounter the player that vehemently spews about how everybody is out to get them and every plane HOs or runs or vulches or directs their laser-guided bomber guns at them.. etc ad nausem.
A couple things tend to happen to these types of folks.
- They drive themselves nuts from frustration and storm away from the game ( Inflamatory BBS postings to that effect are optional ) .. only
to come back a year or so later.. experience same and leave again.. rinse and repeat ..
- They undergo an epiphany that other people may actually enjoy a different aspect of the game and learn to tolerate this.
I don't like players that insult other countrymen, and it used to bother me a lot more than it does now. I've seen enough to realize that arguing with these guys just makes life un-fun for everybody else that isn't directly affected. People having Un-fun leave the game... which leads to less country support .. which, generally, is the basis for the confrontation to start with. So by berating your teammates for lack of support generally leads to even less support.
Nowadays, I just mute them or specifically avoid the area the insulters are working. Eventually, they'll get upset enough to log off.