Author Topic: Fun with AAR's  (Read 131 times)

Offline RTR

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Fun with AAR's
« on: June 06, 2008, 11:50:55 AM »
Here's an old AAR I wrote, if you have any post'em here! :D

1. SpitXIV:  Flight time 0.6
    engaged 2 FW 190's
    shot down same.
   RTB'd no further contacts

2. Spit IX:  Flight time  0.5
     Took out R/W light on T/O roll. (they should move those
     farther infield).
     engaged 2 BF 109's
     shot down same.
     RTB'd bingo ammo
Noticed tail wheel missing on landing rollout. Minor scuffing noted on lower vertical stab.
Maintenance needs to be more careful when changing wheels etc.  sheesh.

3.  SpittyV:  Got a good one from the Hangar out back!took off at 1630 Z  landed 1635 Z.
 Apparently all cowls and panels must be installed for coordinated flight.  Maintenance Chief was a little rude.
 Upped a fully assembled spitV at 1645Z  Flight time 0.5
Buzzed a flock of sheep, pretty sure they are AXIS sheep.
No other contacts seen, but did notice a couple wrestling in a boat under the bridge downtown.
RTB'd, not feeling well, must be something I ate. Dang mess chow!

4. Spitty I:  Liked my first take off so much I landed and did another one. Used the runway for the second, as advised by tower.
Intercepted a lone contact in a shallow dive towards the field. Got a few rounds into him and he landed and surrendered!
Landed , and will report poor runway conditions to MTC in AM. What a dumb place to plant a tree.
Snagged bird for poor ground handling quality. Landing gear is very bouncy and steering very mushy.
Also, engine seems to miss and sputter alot.

5. Hurricane MK2C:   Maintenance is starting to tick me off. The harness is all messed up. Luckily I was able to tie it around my waist sufficiently to fly.
Took forever to get airborne! When did RWY maintenance put the curves in the runway? Also civilians should not be driving their automobiles on the runway!
Buzzed the axis sheep, there are twice as many now. I better report this right away!
Strafed enemy field and dropped 250lb bomb.
Contacted 2 enemy aircraft flying in very close formation and engaged. Both aircraft maneuvered very aggressively and stayed in perfect formation. Remarkable flying! Fired several bursts at them from point blank and scored no hits. Those erks are gonna get a piece of my mind for bollixing up the convergence on these guns!
RTB'd bingo ammo and smokes.
Landed at the canteen for smokes.
Informed by MP's that barracks was destroyed in an air attack, however I could bunk at their place instead. Boy, our MP's sure look out for all of us!

Long day, will finish report in AM.

Man! what a great  day!
I just know I'm gonna get some kind of award, maybe even a promotion!

The Damned