foreign countries? not much use going there when i've barely seen anything of this country. hell, i've only just gotten this county reasonably explored...
beyond anywhere i cant reasonably reach with a car...Britain, Estonia, Finland, new Zealand.
Understandable - America is a huge country and has so much to see. That said, if you never go abroad you'll miss out on so much (and perpetuate the stereo-type of Americans knowing nothing of the world beyond their borders).
I've traveled extensively throughout Europe and North America and been to bits of Africa. Sailing the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia and skiing in the Alps are two experiences everyone should have before they die. Cape Town is also well worth a visit - a truly spectacular setting for a city.
I want to check out South America next and then the far east - Japan especially. I suppose I'll end up in Australia and New Zealand at some point, but they're not super high on my list - I'm sure they are amazing places, but I'm kind of done with 'western' countries for now. I want to experience some alternative cultures first.