Author Topic: OPERATION JUBILEE 19,Aug.1942  (Read 346 times)


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« on: July 08, 2000, 07:21:00 PM »
CM & PLAN = Batmann
15 July 2000 SAT
21:00 (JST) ,13:00 (London) ,07:00 (Chicago) START

To join this event , please login to Special Event Arena before start time.
If you were late , please tell to CM (Batmann) . Please don't fly without permission after frame start.
Please follow CM or COs' order . Thank you.

** Histrical back ground
Aug. 1942, Russian was demanding UK to open 2nd front in europe. But UK didn't have enough forces for front attack yet. Therefor UK decided to mount across channnel raid at Dieppe. Operation ran by Canadian army and UK special forces Commando. And Dieppe was in range of air cover from england.
After serious preparetion ,Operation Jubilee was launched .
But hard luck for them, amphibiouse units were finded out by German.
Now, Luftwaffe have started to get them.

** Planes, Vehicles and fields
* 1st round :
UK bridgehead : V48 , Panzer ,M16 , M3
UK Target :A15
RAF field : A24 ,Spitfire Mk.V
LW field : A37 , Bf109F , Fw190A5 , B26(as Do217)

* 2nd round :
UK bridgehead : V49 , Panzer ,M16 , M3
UK Target :A14
RAF field : A24 ,Spitfire Mk.V
LW field : A37 , Bf109F , Fw190A5 , B26(as Do217)


** Orders
  • UK vehicles : Up from bridgehead. Atack and capture target.
  • RAF fighters : UP from RAF field A24. Secure command of the air and help UK vehicles. Available to load bombs also.
  • LW bombers : UP from LW field A37. Kill UK vehicles before their job are completed. Bomb UK bridgehead also.
  • LW fighters : UP from LW field A37. Secure command of the air and help LW bombers. Available to load bombs also.
  • Don't forget to load enough fuel ![/b]
** Victory condition:
Winner is judged every round separetly.
UK complete win : UK captured the target field.
UK win :All VH ,FH , BH on the target field ware destroyed.
LW win :Prevented both UK victory conditions.
LW comlete win: Privented both UK victory conditions , and destroyed VH on UK bridgehead.

** General Rules
Two rounds will run. Each round finish 40mins after start.
1 player has 1 life (or 1 sortie). Even if a player back tower safely, he never take off again.
(In case of disconnect, player may be allowed to take off again by CO.)
Before round start, each player request plane or vehicle which he wanna use to there CO.
With consideration their requests , CO order players their weapon.
Both country fighters must be same numbers.
UK vehicles must be about 40% of all UK players.
LW bombers must be about 40% of all LW players.
To control these balance , some players may assigned gunners (of vehicles or bombers).

Other settings are same as MA.

Some rules may be modified by CM on situations ,Thank you.

Batmann from Tokyo, Japan
Far East Special Scenario Events

[This message has been edited by Batmann (edited 07-13-2000).]

Offline Koed

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« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2000, 02:11:00 AM »
Sounds great!

What 'bout refuel & rearm?


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« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2000, 03:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by Koed:
Sounds great!

What 'bout refuel & rearm?

Umn... I didn't think about refuel & rearm. It must be prohibited refuel & rearm at near fields except field where you sallied from. If you go back to field where you sallied from, I can't find reason to prohibits. It's OK. But, game has only 40min per a round. It may be not enough time to refuel & rearm in my opinion.

Batmann <CO/JG68> from Tokyo, Japan
JG68 Briefing Room
"Anybody who is Japanese and likes German aircrafts
can't but get to like Ki-61."


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« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2000, 07:23:00 PM »
Thank you folks. Operation Jubilee run outstanding successfully.
    • 1st round : British won[/b]
      ALERT ALERT!! British army is landing Dieppe. Luftwaffe sallied by the bustle. Do217 (using B26) heads for UK target by the buzzing. Look at 12 o'clock high! Lots of Spitfire Mk-V!! They dive and strike Do217 like the bloodthirsty wolf. Some Do217 kindles immediately. Other one blew smoke and was late from the group. And Escort Fw190A-5 dive into there. Making big furball...
      Luftwaffe secured command of the air, but it was too late. Do217 was already annihilated. They couldn't stop the landing corps of British.
      • 2nd round : Luftwaffe won[/b]
        Another landing corps is going to another point. Fw190 was waiting there. Spitfire fought them at high sky. And Do217 strike British landing corps on the ground. British army got terrible damage and withdrew.
      Batmann <CO/JG68> from Tokyo, Japan
      JG68 Briefing Room
      "Anybody who is Japanese and likes German aircrafts
      can't but get to like Ki-61."

      [This message has been edited by Batmann (edited 07-15-2000).]

    Offline Extreme

    • Zinc Member
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    « Reply #4 on: July 15, 2000, 07:50:00 PM »
    Thanks Batmann...had lots of fun.

    Looking forward to the next one.
