When I'm at speed, I feel the same, but as I like REALLY tangling down low and slow, it can hang in the verticle JUST enough to give me a fight in a 109. In fact, A6M5s and N1Ks are the only planes that really concern me on the deck in a 109.
I was asked by a very good stick to practice Co-E, Co-Alt fights between his 109K4 and a Zero (A6M5). What he discovered was that 1v1, a well handled Zeke is a pain in the neck. All he ever saw when he tried to get a shot was the nose of the Zeke pointed directly at him. Worse, I scored cannon hits several times at high deflection angles following the merge as he attempted gain position by going vertical. He finally gave up.
We switched planes (I actually took a 109G-14) and using my example, he was able to accomplish a similar stalemate, although I never gave him an angle for a shot.
Unlike most fighters, a Zero has a low enough wing loading to get its nose around at extremely low speeds, forcing a head-on that would not be possible in the vast majority of aircraft. When totally defensive, the HO is an utterly viable tactic. It's the only way you can go from completely defensive to offensive parity in an instant. If the opportunity is given, I'll take the nose-off angle shot when he he goes to evade the expected the HO. More often than not, I'll get hits, sometimes fatal.
A skilled Zeke pilot (skilled in E management, not just turning circles) will run you ragged 1v1. If you get too aggressive, you may find yourself in trouble.
My regards,