Author Topic: Radar...  (Read 6834 times)

Offline RMrider

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2008, 02:22:24 PM »
I liked using the smoke as burning allied buffs were falling out of the air  :devil.
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Re: Radar...
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2008, 06:25:19 PM »
Sure it wasnt burning JG11 109's?     



Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2008, 06:37:22 PM »
Probably both... it's hard to tell wreckage from wreckage sometimes. Last night plunging into a formation of 17s at 30k I certainly qualified as rammjäger, unfortunately the fragile wings on my Ta152 weren't up for the job. :D

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Offline thrila

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2008, 09:36:31 PM »
i must admit i have my reservations with dot dar only.  Dar is too easily destroyed and with the emphasis on destroying strat, radar is easily avoided to accomplish the current goals..  I have concerns that this will lead to sides ignoring each other as it is more efficient to destroy the opppositions strats than it is to attempt to defend your own.  I'm also concerned about sides finding with each other with low numbers because several time i've logged on with ~10 players and there has been no indication that the enemy was even doing anything let alone in flight.
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Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2008, 10:14:58 PM »
Yeah, inclined to agree with thrila on this one. There is no way to intercept a raid which is already over the target the moment it is detected. It's not possible to scout efficiently we don't have the manpower for it. The conclusion is that defense is very very difficult, both sides focus on offense and I've seen it.

There's always room for a good fighter brawl tho, when the numbers are on.

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Offline TheBug

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2008, 11:27:30 PM »
I also agree with Thrila.
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Offline Strip

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2008, 11:32:59 PM »
I dont agree with a big HQ mission getting busted before its out of Allied territory tho....

Also you guys had a map of our bases the minute we rolled...

Dont agree with having dar bar.


Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2008, 12:18:24 AM »
Strip, we are not arguing for axis to have dar bars, we're arguing for both sides to have them. We all know the allies have the better bombers (duh) so no dar bar is heavily in the allies favor. We simply have no means of intercepting them other than by scouts and the manpower issue makes that practically impossible. With dar bar, axis would have a reasonable chance of intercepting allied bombers. While allies would have a really good chance of intercepting axis bombers, which are weaker in all aspects.

So, no dar bar favors allies strongly, dar bar for both sides still favor allies but not as much. However, if dar bars are implemented there has to be a lowest altitude, it's no good when dar coverage is down to 0 feet.  :huh

Hard to understand? I think not.


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Offline Strip

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2008, 12:32:14 AM »
Sorry but I like not having dar bars....

With dar bar axis can intercept large bomber missions before they leave friendly territory! Allied can do the same to axis if not worse....


Offline flatiron1

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2008, 04:02:29 AM »
i think the way they have it with no dar bar is more realistic

Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2008, 06:07:46 AM »
Yeah, possibly. However dar bar would give us more fights, and I for one is in this for the fights not necessarily to win the war. The objectives set for the "war" are means to get good fights in a good arena, the way I see it. Thrila was pointing at the fact that the arena with it current settings favor the side which concentrate on offense and disregard defense. The fact that the allies have two GV spawns next to axis strats, and that at both these strats axis GV spawns are farther away from the strats therefore they have a longer drive to their own strats to defend than the allies have to drive to attack it, makes it impossible to defend them. These strats are down completely, axis have little chance of defending them at all. Nevermind the allies 3 air spawns vs axis 1, it's not that much of a factor. These two imbalances are enough though to tilt the whole setup in the allies favor regardless of planeset.

Have patience with me though, as I'm not complaining, merely pointing at facts. I do not care much about whether allies are favored in the setup or not, it's not about winning for me. The victories I care more about are the tactical victories in the air. We can have fun regardless of winning or loosing BoA as a whole. The LW lost these battles historically, I think I can handle loosing a computer game. I just want to experience a little bit of what it was like for the guys who had to do this for real.

Given the tools to detect a raid as it comes in axis could have a fair chance to intercept. Right now axis have little chance of successful intercept because the raids don't show up until they are over the target area. While it is absolutely necessary to down bombers inbound if you are to protect your strats at all, bombers that already dropped their load become completely irrelevant. Still, you have seen me on many occasions attack bombers on their way back. Why? Because I want a fight! It's a challenge to shoot down bombers, especially the way some allied buff jockeys shoot! Add to that the fighter escort and it's a really tough challenge!
The same conditions and arguments are valid for allied bomber intercepts. With one huge difference, the allies don't have to intercept bombers cruising at 250 mph, or faster, at 30k with fighter escort at 36k. Now axis could easily put their fighter escort at 40k but it would be of little use up there as the bombers can't get up to 30k! Dar bars would make it easier on bomber raid intercepts for both sides. Making intercepting allied bombers challenging but not impossible and to handle axis bombers is a breeze in comparison. Now if axis had the He177 the allies would have something to worry about! As it is, axis only have the Ju88. While the 88 is fast, it wouldn't last 10 seconds flying next to a B17.

You said that only minutes into day 1 axis had a complete map over your airfields, not true. Dar bar does not give a/c type id nor altitude, we did not have dot dar so axis couldn't see exactly where you upped from only a rough guesstimate of airfield locations could be produced without knowing which types upped where. Given some time though, it could be figured out. With dar bar it would be the same for both sides, mind you.

Assuming there would be a 200 ft base alt for radar, you could easily up somewhere, stay below dar for a while then pop somewhere else to climb. Easy enough for you?

Fighter baiting was a popular way for the allies to further challenge the LW interceptors. They never knew what really was up there until they could get a visual ID. Fighters show up on dar bar too you know. Easy enough for you?

Allied bombers take a heavier bomb load than the axis Ju88s, they go farther, faster, at higher alt and with better defensive firepower. Easy enough for you?

Just stating facts. I'm questioning your motives, because dar bars would ensure that we get to fight eachother. Now if you don't want to fight us, I would understand your reasoning for not having dar bars. This game is all about aerial combat though. Why would you want to log on to bomb a strat target in "easy mode", with no wind at all, from 30k without facing opposition? Is that fun?  :huh


Edit: Grammar police! (still no guarantee to be 100% correct)  :lol
« Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 06:25:03 AM by 33Vortex »

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Offline Virage

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2008, 07:14:11 AM »
Is there a setting that puts range on dar bar?  Say a 75 or 100 mile range from tower?  This would allow bombers to form up over their own territory without triggering dar bar, but would show up as they approached target giving interceptors a chance to respond AND allow players to find each other instead of logging in ... seeing no one to fight.. then logging out.

If range dar bar can't be used, I vote for dar bar anyway.  It is better then each side hiding from the other.  Yes it sucks to have your bomber mission spotted the minute it rolls of the field but this is better than no players due to lack of activity in the arena.

Think of it as spies relaying heavy enemy activity.  In wwII both sides knew when something big was coming.  Both in BOB and in the defense of western europe.  It is hard to hide the activity of 100+ bomber formations.


Offline Mister Fork

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2008, 08:45:50 AM »
For the next round, I'll make radar options availabe for purchase - no different than in a real war. If a commander wants to spend the coin on newer radar eqpt - they can pay for it. 
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Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2008, 08:55:35 AM »
Wow, innovative new ideas I like!  :aok

Let's see how it works out.

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Offline Easyscor

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Re: Radar...
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2008, 09:18:45 AM »
Easy in-game again.
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