88.. I see you as a thinking liberal.. this means nothing but that you are on the cusp. What happens to thinking liberals is they get fed up with being lied to... with "the end justifies the means" .
I think also that you are not really a liberal in the socialist modern meaning of the term.. more like a Charlton Heston in the 50's kind of liberal. I can't imagine that you will not find yourself in the libertarian or individualist camp. I believe that you have been surrounded with modern liberals from the artsy crowd.. who are... give em credit.. cool and witty. Just as so many are seduced by osamabamas oratory style.. many are seduced by what seems like witty from the socialists... satire and clever wit are more the perview of the modern liberal than of the conservative or.. even more so.. the libertarian or individualist.
The modern liberal is a follower of the cult of personality. osamabama personifies this..
in my opinion.
I think you suffer from the curse of intelligence and an overdeveloped sense of honesty. These things get in the way of political party following but are death to anyone wanting to follow the liberal socialist cult of personality.
well, to be honest, i've never been one for artists. even though i am one i have always been the wolf outside of that pack. in general, i think that they tend to fear me. or at least my influence.
i have very few actual "friends" who are artists, but those that have and who are, are top notch people, not senseless party goers.
everyday things inspire me most.
as far as obama. i am not opposed to the notion of "hope", but i don't see such things as either interesting, or viable without good leadership. reagan gave us hope. i liked reagan. he was a great commander in chief. as i believe was bush sr. they represented the best of the republican party i think. at least, and most importantly, militarily.
kennedy was a great orator and i like him as a character because he spoke of our hopes and dreams in specifics. he said, we'll go to the moon, we went to the moon.
(bay of pigs...well, he probably wasn't orating...anywhoo)
i don't see obama getting us anywhere but increased welfare spending, increased taxes and decreased incentive for business in america.
my mind goes to detroit and to "white flight".
wheras colin powell (a black man) would build markets. obama is going to obliterate them. he's just bad juju and we shouldn't let ourselves be so easilly seduced by this hopeful romantic. there is hard work yet to be done.
i'd feel better with what he has to say being said in church rather than as our national mouthpeice.
i'll take mccain with a young progressive running mate. let the running mate pull a cheney and do all of the work and we're set for a little while.
dang. i rambled.