Not really.
A bit of a funny story...
About six months ago I bought an NVidia GeForce 8600 video card, and a new PSU. Within an hour or two everything was installed. Plug in my computer & monitor. Boot up computer. Nothing.
Dis-assembled the computer... look it over... try again...
This goes on all night.
In the morning I take my computer over to a small shop owned by the father of a friend of mine.
A guy at the counter opens up the box...
'Didja plug the card in?'
'Well, ya, I plugged it into the motherboard...'
At this point, looking at the card from the odd angle opened up by the box being sit on the desk, I see another power hookup at the rear of the card...
'D'oh! OK, there it is....'
I tend to make stupid mistakes like this when I do stuff.