Author Topic: Rail system!  (Read 130 times)

Offline lemur

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Rail system!
« on: December 25, 1999, 04:44:00 AM »
HT has previously stated that there will be trains, but that they'll have NO effect on strat. He says it won't work because of the complexity of field captures & strat.

Here's how it'll work:

Build a rail & truck system linking all bases, with tracks that even run between unfriendly bases.

The rail system runs to a depot a short distance from the fields. From there a truck/road system runs to the field.

Trains run from the 'industrial center' to the depots, trucks run from the depot to the field (truly critical fields may just have trains running to the field directly)

When a field is captured, the trains begin running directly to that field, provided the tracks don't run through an enemy field. If the tracks do run through a captured field, automated c-47s begin ferrying supplies from the closest field. (this prevents enemy fields from being held deep inside enemy territory). Also allow c-47 drivers to suppliment these automated runs.

C-47s only carry supplies (automated or human pilots) from fields that are at 125%

This basically allows people to have bases deep inside enemy territory, and hold them, but only if they open up a supply route.

Or yeah, and put an engine on both sides of the train, so when a base is captured any trains inbound stop, reverse direction, and help stengthen then next base in line.

This also means that the side with fewer fields gets more rapid resupply. But it also allows low-level fighter bombers to get into the role they were designed for: Taking out smaller strat targets of opportunity.

The trucks that run from the depot to the fields provide targets of opportunity to drag vulchers covering a field. A role currently being handled by suicide b-17s that take off just to drag vulchers down to try and pick them off with gunner fire. The 17s should some how be discouraged from this unrealistic behavior (since this buff has no intention of bombing ANYTHING, it's just a gun platform) and instead have the game provide a gunned convoy as a sort of mini-strat for the  fighters.

my dos pesos


Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Rail system!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2001, 05:16:00 AM »
This is a genious idea!  

Damn, how did I miss this thread back in christmas -99?  ;)

Originally posted by lemur:
When a field is captured, the trains begin running directly to that field, provided the tracks don't run through an enemy field. If the tracks do run through a captured field, automated c-47s begin ferrying supplies from the closest field. (this prevents enemy fields from being held deep inside enemy territory). Also allow c-47 drivers to suppliment these automated runs.

C-47s only carry supplies (automated or human pilots) from fields that are at 125%

Maybe have it so that each time a plane takes off from a field, it uses the resources (fuel, ammo, troops) on that field.  To compensate for this, the AI controlled ship convoys, trains and goons bring supplies into the field. If the supplies don't get through, the field will eventually run out of resources.

Bases closer to the factories will supply faster since there's more supplies coming in. Further away bases supply slower and especially if a field is behind enemy lines, the players should fly the supplies in themselves to insure they don't run out of them. Players flying supplies should be possible from all fields that have resources left, not just from fields that have 125%. But in effect, they will use the supplies from the field they take off from.

CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline Greg 'wmutt' Cook

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Rail system!
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2001, 05:26:00 AM »
Good ideas, But how about making the trains run right up to all the friendly bases of a country, then have truck roads between countries.
I am not for the automated c-47 supply system like they have in AW. It might be nice to have the ability to resupply with player controled goons though.
Come to think of it, you wouldn't even need the actual trains to affect gameplay. You would put them there just to have something cool to shoot at, but what you do is have a value for the field that is either "in supply" or "out of supply" depending on the status of the road or rail line linking the base to it's supply source.  (large bases deep in the country would be linked to several other bases and supply depots through the country's infrastructure and would require more work to cut off.)  The base's supply status could then be reflected by re-build times, fuel/aircraft/ordance availability, or a wide varity of gameplay issues.
This could work!
(Note to HTC:  Don't you just love it when we start to think that $29.00 a month entitles us to redesign your product  :) )

[ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Greg 'wmutt' Cook ]

Offline DmdNexus

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Rail system!
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2001, 01:53:00 PM »
Would like to see a Paradrop ability to resupply bases and strats facilities.


Offline andrewegillott

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Rail system!
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2001, 01:17:00 PM »
What would happen if there were power plants that provide electricity to radar stations, airfields, ports, and factories? They would be big targets right? But what happens if the power plants were dams? If you read in the "New Ideas" topic you'll see i put a suggestion for it. Also for fighter bombers there could be electricity pylons running across the country to the bases and to the HQ. Now if you're in a fighter bomber, all you have to do is to strike at those pylons and you've cut they're power for something like 5 mins. But during that time, you can sneak loads of people in to take out the base. As I said in the "New Ideas" area, the perk points reward for hitting a dam would be enormous! It would also add more of a strategic element in the game. If you hit one dam, the power gets prioritized in the following order.

1)Radar and HQ.
3)Airbases and Ports

One last thing. What about armed trains? I know for a fact that the Japs and Russians had turrets on their trains. Why not in this?


Offline Tilt

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Rail system!
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2001, 04:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by lemur:
HT has previously stated that there will be trains,

I like this form of strat.......

Basically in order for a field/city/whatever to be resupplied there has to be a train route (direct or via other fields / fascilities to the supply point/factory etc.)

Damaging track slows trains....... killing trains forces the resupply to wait for the next one.

To add balance make ack over cities/ factories uber.......

trains should be AI

I dont like AI goons but do like the idea to use them as player driven resupply.

Oh yea and with trains should come bridges

Ludere Vincere