Author Topic: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist  (Read 352 times)

Offline LTCClark

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Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« on: July 14, 2008, 08:05:57 PM »

Please Vote on this, and mark your comments for the wishlist.

1)  Notepad on the Clipboard.  Wouldnt it be nice to be able to write certain things down in your notepad for later reference on the clipboard, and have it accessible
as a text file while you are offline?

2) Shooting down of Perked Planes.  I shot down a 262 today, and only recieved 1 point for it.  I feel that if you shoot down a perked plane then you should at least receive 1/4 of the points that the other person has lost as kind of an added bonus.  So if you shoot it down then you get alot of points for it.  This would also put a little bit more incentive to trade off.

3) Perk point wager for dueling arena.  It should be allowed to wager certain points that you have in order to provide a little incentive for dueling.

4) More Trainers - Trainers should have the ability to invite other people in to become a trainer. There are lots of people out there that are very good and take alot of time training others in the game.

5) Ability to delete flight from mission editor. IF you mistakingly add a flight then you cannot delete the flight from the list.

6) Auto Refresh, or Manual Refresh of Arena List.  Alot of people have to get in and out of the game in order to get into a full arena however the arena exceeds the quota alot of times due to this.   A Manual refresh button, or even Auto Refresh button would be extremely nice.

7) Pilot Stance.  When the pilot bails out and is running around it would be nice to have the external view to reflect a guy that is carrying his 45 in front of him instead of walking around like hes wanting to surrender.  This would be a very small issue and require very minimal coding of once they hit land, or the chute goes away just replace the image with another one.

8)  2 weeker, squeekers, and oddballs  could there possibly be a Permasquelch list opened for some people.
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Offline Spikes

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Re: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 08:36:27 PM »

Please Vote on this, and mark your comments for the wishlist.

1)  Notepad on the Clipboard.  Wouldnt it be nice to be able to write certain things down in your notepad for later reference on the clipboard, and have it accessible
as a text file while you are offline?

2) Shooting down of Perked Planes.  I shot down a 262 today, and only recieved 1 point for it.  I feel that if you shoot down a perked plane then you should at least receive 1/4 of the points that the other person has lost as kind of an added bonus.  So if you shoot it down then you get alot of points for it.  This would also put a little bit more incentive to trade off.

3) Perk point wager for dueling arena.  It should be allowed to wager certain points that you have in order to provide a little incentive for dueling.

4) More Trainers - Trainers should have the ability to invite other people in to become a trainer. There are lots of people out there that are very good and take alot of time training others in the game.

5) Ability to delete flight from mission editor. IF you mistakingly add a flight then you cannot delete the flight from the list.

6) Auto Refresh, or Manual Refresh of Arena List.  Alot of people have to get in and out of the game in order to get into a full arena however the arena exceeds the quota alot of times due to this.   A Manual refresh button, or even Auto Refresh button would be extremely nice.

7) Pilot Stance.  When the pilot bails out and is running around it would be nice to have the external view to reflect a guy that is carrying his 45 in front of him instead of walking around like hes wanting to surrender.  This would be a very small issue and require very minimal coding of once they hit land, or the chute goes away just replace the image with another one.

8)  2 weeker, squeekers, and oddballs  could there possibly be a Permasquelch list opened for some people.
1.) Buy a note book from Walmart
2.) No
3.) No...
4.) You can help them you don't have to be a trainer
5.) You should be able to
6.) Just log out and log in
7.) You really care about pilots and surrendering?
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Offline Latrobe

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Re: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 09:22:13 PM »
I agree with Spikes on everything except #7 which I shall now answer now

7) You actually bail out??  :lol

Offline NoBaddy

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Re: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2008, 09:55:32 PM »
1.) Buy a note book from Walmart
2.) No
3.) No...
4.) You can help them you don't have to be a trainer
5.) You should be able to
6.) Just log out and log in
7.) You really care about pilots and surrendering?

Thanks Spikes.....I'm to lazy to type it. :D
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline caldera

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Re: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2008, 11:06:38 PM »
In regards to item #2, how about giving perk planes an ENY of 1? Then uber 5 ENY planes that shoot down even more uber perk planes would reap a bigger reward. You're definitely NOT gonna get the perks your adversary spent on his plane. If that happened, there would be  :cry like you wouldn't beleive.
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Offline Wingnutt

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Re: Simple Yet Vital Features Wishlist
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2008, 12:15:28 PM »
the perk plane issue is a pretty valid gripe..

currently you get the same reward for shooting down a 262 as you get for a Nikki..

seems a little  :uhoh