Author Topic: Fleet speed, adjustable?  (Read 135 times)

Offline Soda

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« on: May 09, 2001, 12:09:00 PM »
Right now it appears the fleets have just one speed, full.  How about a slower speed if you want to cruise it more slowly, or more important, to make it easier to aim at non-moving ground targets.  It's almost impossible to judge where to shoot since your movement is usually so great between shots that it's just mostly guesswork, even with a spotter.


Offline loser

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2001, 12:34:00 PM »

Offline DamnedATC

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2001, 03:46:00 PM »
By slowing down the CV, you will limit, if not eliminate, Take-offs from the CV.  Already, it is a challenge to depart an F4 with 2 1000lbs and adequate fuel, or TBM with even a Torp.  It is already difficult to deal with a T/O when sommeone turns the fleet, no need to make it any harder than it already is. Keep the CVs cruising at 30KTs, dont change a thing.  Bottom Line, IMHO Not a good idea.  


Offline Soda

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2001, 04:42:00 PM »
You might be right about takeoffs being more difficult.  I wish the cruiser could be detached from the group, but that seems unlikely.  It would be interesting to see how much difference it makes to have less overdeck windspeed though and see how it affected takeoffs.  I find the current take-off drop from the end of the carrier somewhat surprising.


Offline Fidd

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2001, 06:53:00 PM »
Perhaps a simpler answer would be to greatly increase the radius of effect of shells striking, and their damage. So a near-miss would have the same effect as a hit?


Originally posted by Soda:
Right now it appears the fleets have just one speed, full.  How about a slower speed if you want to cruise it more slowly, or more important, to make it easier to aim at non-moving ground targets.  It's almost impossible to judge where to shoot since your movement is usually so great between shots that it's just mostly guesswork, even with a spotter.



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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2001, 11:35:00 PM »
all these thoughts have merit, but the current
fleet composition and player access might be
the limiting factor in making them work...

A possible solution might be:

(A)> have seperate fleets based on function..

one fleet with a CV as exists now, but change
the CA to a AAA cruiser that mounts only 6" dual
purpose guns (Cleaveland type)<spelling?...
which would preclude most bombardments but
could defend against acft and PT-boat attacks
(especially if players could man all 6" guns,
even on the DD's)

second fleet would be as now, but with no CV,
basicly an ATTK or bombardment fleet...
with AK's (transports 2 or 3) to spawn LVT's
and PT-boats from ...(also needs player manned
guns on DD's)....this fleet could have speed
control settings (slow, medium, fast)

or (B)> modify the way guns are aimed...

possibly add a view tracking shell flight,
a seperate window, like the mapboard)which
would allow hit correction, as if reported
by a spotter)

the (A) idea might lead to some interesting
NAVAL- strat situations...and if AI controlled
AAA were limited to only those guns not manned
by players..(All, if no players, could be used
by the AI)(with fewer for AI when some manned by
players)...not sure if that clear or not)...
this might help with the 10 mile AI controlled
AAA kills...  

just thinking out loud here...anybody got some
other ideas...lets hear em..  

[This message has been edited by skipper (edited 05-09-2001).]

[This message has been edited by skipper (edited 05-11-2001).]

Offline Hamish

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Fleet speed, adjustable?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2001, 11:40:00 PM »
Great idea, actually. Trying to accomplish effective shore bombardment from a cruiser moving 30 knots is a waste of time. Gun lines in WW2 would normaly move around 3-5 knots. (We still do this today) It may make it a little harder to take off, but that's where co-ordination would have to come in, I.E. you launch all you aircraft, then slow the fleet down to 4  knots to begin making the "guns run" on the airfield. It would certainly add a lot IMHO to a naval amphibious assault scenario. I'm thinking with that ability a guadalcanal scenario would be easy to create.


[This message has been edited by Hamish (edited 05-16-2001).]