Rankings are long term scores for how GOOD a pilot is. Normally, Ranking 200th wouldn't necessarily mean a pilot's a LOT better than a 300th ranker, but from the long point of view, it does prove IN THE WHOLE how capable a pilot is of survivng the .. ermm... "WAR", let's put it.
For instance, "Pilot A" could be a lot more hotshot pilot in 1 on 1 bouts against a certain "Pilot B", and A could probably shoot down B 1 on 1 like a zillion times... but as a WHOLE, and as a team player, the skills and contributions of B could be a lot better than A. Rankings and Scores provide certain amount of data (not enough for any kind of absolute judgement) to suggest how good a pilot might be.
In most cases, high ranking pilots are truly good in all aspects, and earn enough respect amongst the mingling mediocre like me
But sometimes, a high ranker might be a total "Lone-Wolf", or maybe he could have gotten his good scores and ratios by sneaking in a furball, chase a plane that is already chased by like 10 million friendlies.. or he just hasn't flown enough sorties to prove any solid data... in any case, what I'm trying to say is rankings exist for data AND for fun, just a teeney glimpse of truth.
But, as a lot of people would admit, being a high ranking pilot doesn't necessarily mean he also ranks high in mental health, or maybe in virtues like modesty, kindness, etc etc etc
And also, sometimes, some high rankers give so much respect or acknowledgements EXCLUSIVELY amongst their own kind that they tend to ignore or put down the dweebey, the mediocre, and the beginners - you know, common people.
And in some cases, sadly, some people somehow think being high ranked gives them some EXCLUSIVE PRESTIGE that they could say mean things to other people and get away with it. Friendly jokes, puns and cynicism is one thing, sick mental behavior is another.
And so it goes this complaint and dissatisfaction amongst some people. Some would say it's whining, and some might say it's a just complaint. In anycase, like the society we live in, we have many kinds of people with many different personalities - from mature to 'psychopath'.
As for me, I think ranks don't mean SH** when it comes to social relations.