I'm still just as uncertain as ever when it comes to confidence in my congressional government.
Some here want me to turn blame on the Republican controlled congress from years past or, on the scapegoat of all scapegoats, Mr. G.W.Bush. Like I said before, I'm no political science major but, before today, I've never seen gas at $3.90 per gallon. I do know, in 1999, in Vinita, Ok. I was able to fill my tank at the Quick Trip for .99 cents per gallon. What happened? I have a good idea. But, my question still stands, why is our government NOT allowing for new refineries, drilling wherever there IS oil and then, and only once we are dependent on ourselves for the current method of energy, starting to fund the research for new methods to power our homes and cars. I'm all for finding something better but right now, it is breaking people and it's, IMO, the current plague of our nation.
I don't care what's on your voter registration Congress-person, do something......