Author Topic: ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............  (Read 421 times)

Offline PapaFox

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ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2000, 11:06:00 PM »

We are of a like mind regarding making the wings and tails stronger so that the bufs die in more gradual fashions and buf pilots once in a while get the chance to bring a wounded bird back to base. This allows for a simulation which is closer to our idea of how a WWII buf mission actually would be.

So much of my view of buf durability is based upon experiences in other flight sims. I bring wounded bufs back all the time in another Hitech-created sim, but I seldom can do that in Aces High, due to a large extent to the damage model.

The reason why we are here is to have fun flying a simulation that has enough accuracy to allow us to forget we're just sitting in front of a computer. Since a buf run can require over an hour to complete, a buf pilot needs to know he has at least a fighting chance when attacked by a con or two. With wings or tails that fall off with a few hits, it is sometimes discouraging.

I very much enjoy flying fighter missions in Aces High, but I want to enjoy my buf mission as well. I remember one day when 3 of our bufs were knocked out of the sky by a single P51 on a single straffing run! This is not accurate, and requires change.

Offline Fishu

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ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2000, 02:32:00 AM »
Originally posted by Swoop:

Secondly, why on earth aren't ping sounds 1 to 1?  It's not hard. Other sims seem to manage it....and it'd end all the arguments about 1 ping kills.....ok, how bout please?

I Guess this has something to do with forever continuing pinging  
It would be either PRRRRRRING as 50 hits comes on you from 6 guns in a matter of second... or then it would be pingpingpingpingpingpingpingp ingping for long time after the hits...

I guess it has something to do with hardware also... imagine how much it takes from computer to run that ping for +50 times in a second    you could probably get nasty stuttering on your game when being hit alot...

(not to talk about the day when they get 8x.303 planes in air..)

Offline Swoop

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ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2000, 10:47:00 AM »
Well first of all:  What PapaFox said.  Spot on.  

Secondly,, you remember I said 'other sims manage it'.....well they do.....there's no 'pings continuing for 30 seconds after, or stuttering......check out European Air War for 1 such example.

I spose if you used a single .wav for each ping then this'd happen but no programmer I know would be daft enough to try that.
And besides, dunno what sound card you're using but my SB64 can handle it fine and that's a old card.

Anyway, this is off topic. I'll shut up now.


Offline Minotaur

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ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2000, 09:31:00 AM »
Basically no one is right and no one is wrong in this debate.  IMO it amounts to personal preference.  

My "Personal Preference" would be to have the "Keylar Body Armor" removed from the BUFF gunners.  Especially, the bombadier who never has to worry about dying or a shot up bombsight.

On the subject for BUFF's being too easy to shoot down and being attacked by a single fighter.  Well for me it is about 65/35/50 + 25/25.

65% - The BUFF gets the victory for the kill
35% - Mino gets the victory for the kill
50% - The BUFF'er and myself both ride the silk

25% - The BUFF'er rides off into the sunset
25% - Mino rides off into the sunset

The numbers change from fighter to fighter.   Pick your cannon wisely.  

The Wrecking Crew

Offline ra

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ok some ideas in how to make the B17 better...............
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2000, 11:26:00 AM »
<<<The plane should fun to fly, and should have a really good chance vs any fighter in the arena>>>

I fly buffs about 25% of my missions (and I fly in the buff about 15%, but I digress).  If a fighter comes at me from 6 oclock without a serious speed advantage, he is dead meat.  If he knows what he is doing and comes in high and fast, I am usually dead meat.  That seems right to me.

As far as a buff coming apart from 1 or 2 pings, I've never made that happen, even in an Uber-Hog.  I don't think the pingee really knows how many hits he has taken when his wing comes off because of netlag and all those techie issues.
