Would be nice to have a logbook stored on local machine. I think you probably already track all the stats anyway it would just be a matter of writing it to the disk. Suggested fields would be:
LW103 : 1 : A55 : Spitfire XVI : 1 : 0 : 5.23 : A55
(I'm sure you can think of more fields to add)
That is just summary information for each flight, if I could REALLY have my wish there would be detailed engagement info between summary entries. (much like what gets displayed in the text buffer)
For example:
Time(minutes into flight):Event:EnemyVehicleType
2:12 : Assist on <playerID> : KI-84
3:22 : Shot down <playerID> : Spitfire VIII
5:05 : KIlled by <playerID> : C205
Then if you guys weren't so busy programming you could write a parser/logbook program to let us extract information from the logbook.