Author Topic: Great letter to the Editor  (Read 562 times)

Offline Sandman

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2008, 04:36:20 PM »
LOL... that is some funny stuff there.

Is Obama a Commie or a Muslim? I wish you guys would make up your minds.

He's a Nazi. He spoke in front of 200,000 Germans and that made us all very uncomfortable. We are just a little worried about Germans in large groups, as I am sure everyone can understand.


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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2008, 08:11:02 PM »
Funny... i just checked the Richmond Times Dispatch editorial page... they don't seem to have this little gem listed.

Could it be possible that this whole thing is a load of b$?

Survey says...

ITS A LOAD OF CRAP... hehehe

Offline Dago

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2008, 08:22:38 PM »
Anyone ever notice when a certain MoonbaT speaks, he actually says nothing?
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Offline Seraphim

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2008, 12:02:09 PM »

Offline Cthulhu

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2008, 02:05:52 PM »
Wasn't to hard to find....

Article number two.
Thx Seraphim :aok

Funny... i just checked the Richmond Times Dispatch editorial page... they don't seem to have this little gem listed.

Could it be possible that this whole thing is a load of b$?

Survey says...

ITS A LOAD OF CRAP... hehehe
Looks like I did my homework a little better than some. :D

He's a Nazi. He spoke in front of 200,000 Germans and that made us all very uncomfortable. We are just a little worried about Germans in large groups, as I am sure everyone can understand.
One interesting thing about those 200,000 Germans. According to the New York Times: “Senator Barack Obama drew a crowd of more than 200,000, according to German estimates, in Berlin on Thursday“. The little known (in the US at least) reality of it, is that it included a free rock concert with free food and beer. Hell, I'd show up for that!

Want to know more:
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Offline Kaw1000

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2008, 02:25:40 PM »
Good reading here!! Good points on both sides!
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Offline acfireguy26

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2008, 02:37:26 PM »
Funny... i just checked the Richmond Times Dispatch editorial page... they don't seem to have this little gem listed.

Could it be possible that this whole thing is a load of b$?

Survey says...

(Image removed from quote.)

ITS A LOAD OF CRAP... hehehe

Wasn't to hard to find....

Article number two.



« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 02:43:02 PM by acfireguy26 »

Offline Chalenge

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2008, 03:05:52 PM »
... I grew up on Social Security since my Dad died when I was 7. My mother did work but was hardly able to maintain the household finances totally on her own. According to your utopia paradigm, we should have been told that's tough and been left to starve or scavenge on our own. Is this really the situation you want to espouse?

I dont think thats what he was saying. I also dont think its a function of government to hold a gun to our heads sieze our money and redistribute it to people without. This should be a function of local communities churches and charities. Since the government openly engages in anti-church rhetoric its obvious to me the government doesnt like competition in this area. This is another reason I think we should march on Washington with torches pitchforks nooses tar and feathers and change our government in a second revolution.
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Offline KONG1

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2008, 03:32:42 PM »
I grew up on Social Security since my Dad died when I was 7. My mother did work but was hardly able to maintain the household finances totally on her own. According to your utopia paradigm, we should have been told that's tough and been left to starve or scavenge on our own. Is this really the situation you want to espouse?

You would have had to quit school at a young age to help support the family. You would have learned the value of a dollar ,the meaning of hard work, experienced the freedom of frugality, and the power of self reliance. You would have started your first business at 17, paid for your first house by the time you were 21, made your first million at 28. By 35 you would be a staunch conservative and worship Rush Limbaugh all the while complaining about your silver-spoon over privileged kids who just don't know how good they got it.
“It’s good to be King” - Mel Brooks

Offline Maverick

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2008, 04:45:53 PM »

Actually that is exactly what he said. Look at what he wrote. I understand now he is saying he oversimplified  it but that's another issue.

Part 1. Anyone who thinks that the government should provide anything for the people other than for the common defence is a commie in my book. Please note that SS is not common defense. Therefore according to his statement it's in the "anything" category and the goverment should not be providing it.

Part 2. Making the statement that he oversimplified it is a nice way of saying he didn't say it right or does not have a valid comment. If it's oversimplified then there ARE things the government should be providing other than the "common defense". OK, where does the providing stop? What makes one kind of providing valid and another not? The devil is always in the details.

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Offline Chalenge

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2008, 05:03:05 PM »
He said welfare and you said social security. I dont know how you grew up on social security but it is not welfare.

I took from what he said that he meant pooling the taxes and redistributing them in an attempt to make things 'fair' was a communist ideal. I tend to agree with him on that.
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Offline Hornet33

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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2008, 06:55:33 PM »

Actually that is exactly what he said. Look at what he wrote. I understand now he is saying he oversimplified  it but that's another issue.

Part 1. Anyone who thinks that the government should provide anything for the people other than for the common defence is a commie in my book. Please note that SS is not common defense. Therefore according to his statement it's in the "anything" category and the goverment should not be providing it.

Part 2. Making the statement that he oversimplified it is a nice way of saying he didn't say it right or does not have a valid comment. If it's oversimplified then there ARE things the government should be providing other than the "common defense". OK, where does the providing stop? What makes one kind of providing valid and another not? The devil is always in the details.

In response to part 2. Yes what I posted later was a nice way of saying, I didn't say what I wanted in the right way. As to where the providing STOPS is with all the damn free handouts. You received SS payments because your parents FIRST payed into the system. That's all good, and on a personal note I'm sory for your loss, that really sucks, but your parents worked and paid into the system and you received the benifits from their hard work. I have NO problem with that kind of thing.

Where I have the problem is when I see someone living in HUD housing, getting wellfare, food stamps, and every other government benifit they can get their greedy little hands on, are perfectly able to work, yet CHOOSE not to because if they actually got a job they would loose those benifits. They excists solely on the government dole, your and my tax dollars pay for their lives. These are the same people that will complain the loudest that the government isn't doing enough to help them. They are totaly reliant on the government to live and they get pissed when they see someone with better things than they have and expect the government to provide them with those things as well.

I live right around the corner from a HUD project here in Virginia Beach. I see it every day. I stood behind a girl at 7-11 awhile back and she's telling her friend that she wants to have anouther baby so she can get more wellfare payments. She was bragging about it, saying her last kid got her an extra $400 a month. She didn't seem to care who the father would be, just that she wanted anouther kid because of the money. Her friend was nodding her head agreeing with her, and I was standing there with a WTF look on my face. She has been conditioned to live off the government paycheck and has NO desire to do anything else.

I understand that there are times when things happen beyond a persons control and they might need help. I've been there. When I was medicaly retired from the Coast Guard for my heart condition I was out of work for over 6 months. My monthly income went from just over $4000 to $1800 a month. I still had my rent, truck payment, insurance, living expensses, child support, and every other bill I still had to pay and I was hurting bad. I went on unemployment for 4 months and that killed me to do it. I have ALWAYS worked for my money and to have to take a handout made me feel like a failure. I worked part time at the local bar cleaning up at the end of the night for cash, did odd electrical jobs for people, and scrapped by until I found a good job, but I never quit looking.  I've been working for the company I'm at now since January and I'm still digging myself out of dept, but as soon as I got my job I called the unemployment office and told them I had a job and they could stop sending me payments. I've been conditioned to work for my money, be responsible for my life and actions, and to earn what I get.

Simple fact is that social programs like wellfare do nothing but create a class of people that will do nothing as long as the government is still willing to pay them to do nothing. The Democrats are also the champions of taking from the working people in this country and handing that money over to the people that depend on the government for their lives, and I personaly think that needs to end. Unemployment, wellfare, food stamps should ALL be a short term thing except in the most extreme circumstances, yet there are millions of people in this country that use those programs as a way of life. Not because they can't do anything else but because they're too lazy to do anything else.

Maybe they wouldn't be quite so lazy if there is a hard cutoff date from the time they start getting payments to when they get nothing. Hell if anything else make the recipients of those payments government employees and make them work for that check. Plenty of streets need to be cleaned, and HUD homes need a coat of paint. All the wellfare moms that "can't" work because of the children, well open up a bunch of daycare centers and all the moms on wellfare that live within 1 mile of that center are REQUIRED to work there a couple of days a week and take care of the children while the rest of the wellfare moms go out and sweep parking lots. They can rotate their shifts so everyone gets a chance to do their equal share. I also believe that anyone receiving wellfare payments should be REQUIRED to take a drug test at random intervals. You fail a test say goodbye to your check forever. Better yet make it requirement to test before they recieve EVERY check. You want your check, you come to the office, take the test, if you pass, you get your check, you fail, there's the door. Single women on wellfare should be REQUIRED to be on birth control. Single men over the age of 18 who are on wellfare should be REQUIRED to have a job and come off of wellfare within 1 year of their 18 birthday or be forced to serve 4 years in the military, border patrol, or some other government service position.

And here is the real kicker. If anyone had the stones to try and implement those ideas you KNOW Rev Jesse and Sharpton would SCREAM bloody murder about how the government is trying to strip away the rights of people that are down on their luck yadda yadda yadda. Well those are terms of eligability. NO ONE is FORCING you to go on wellfare, but if you do then these are the conditions, take it or leave it, you have the FREEDOM to choose.

Will never happen though because this entire country has been conditioned to accept the social programs as they are and that we as a people have an obligation to support the weak of mind and lazy of body people that scream and holla about how the government is holding them down. Anyone who supports the social programs as they are do NOTHING put perpetuate and enable the downhill slide this country has been on. Equality for all is a freaking joke. Freedom for all, hell yeah. You have the freedom to succeed or fail in this great country, but the government SHOULD NOT get involved in that choice to succeed or fail, and that's ALL that social programs do is to create an atmosphere for failure, and then everyone who supports them scratches their heads looking at each other wondering why. Give a man a fish and he'll want you to give him anouther one tomorrow. Teach him to fish and he'll either eat or starve, but leave it up to him. The strong will survive and the weak will be culled from the heard and as callous as that sounds, that's how it should be.

Throwing more money at the problem has NEVER solved a damn thing. How about we really try and change things in this country and stop throwing money at problems and see what happens. You know, leave it up to the people in the local communities to find a solution and stop relying on the fenderal government to take care of every little pothole in the road, crack house on the corner, and bad word said to some kid on the playground.
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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2008, 11:51:00 AM »
Snopes confirms it was a letter to the newspaper but doesn't go much beyond that. 
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Re: Great letter to the Editor
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2008, 12:25:13 PM »
don't want to quote the whole thing

Hornet33, I violently agree.