wtf is your problem nut job? Oh, and please tell me what you think everyone "saw". You pompus tool! If you're going to come in here and whine, learn to spell chump. It's beastiality not "bestiality' as you spelled it, you twisted arsehat. But you left out the A..which is a vowel, not once but twice. But yet you call me the moron and brainiac?
Furthermore, my avatar is the Virginia battle flag, not the confederate flag. But it's ok. I don't expect much from a boy such as yourself.I suggest you get away from the internet for awhile and get some social skills, and learn to interact with people in a pleasant way because you're.....well a arse. But I bet you already knew that.
If you want to keep up the line of conversing with me, then go for it. I enjoy the whole internet tough guy thing. So brush up on your witty one liners cartoon smart guy. But get your dictionary out because I will be checking the spelling on your thought provoking reply. Oh, and here's a picture for ya