Well, SatKOTH was a good one. We had 44 pilots with no real issues, (a first

). Satkoth lasted about 4.5 hrs with 4 wabbits trying to win it. Congratulations and <S> to Crypto1 for the win!! The F4U-4 was chosen for August's first ride.
Round by round results:
1. Mazz in a BF109F-4
2. Jakspar0 in a FW190A-5
3. Crypto1 in a La5FN
4. Bearkats in a ME262A-1
5. TonyJoey in a P-51D
6. Bipolar2 in a P-47D-11
7. Jakspar0 in a Spitfire XVI (wabbit)
8. Bearkats in a Ki-84-Ia (wabbit)
9. TonyJoey in a C202 (wabbit)
10. Crypto1 in a D3A-1 (wabbit)
11. Crypto1 in a ME163B (winner)
Tournament Of Champions invitations will be reserved for:
KOTH: Crypto1
Wabbits: Bearkats, Jakspar0, TonyJoey
Top 5 killers were:
Crypto1 (*LYNCHMOB*): 19
BearKats (Toxins): 14
Mazz (Toxins): 14
BiPoLaR2 (Toxins): 13