If you'd like to fly in this scenario, show up about 60 minutes before the frame starts so you can be assigned a side and squadron and get all that worked out. When you enter the arena read the MOTD and it should provide you with who to contact about being a walkon or watch the BLUE text. Usually you can get a walkon spot with little trouble.
As for registering the any future scenarios:
You need to have a valid account/login on
http://ahevents.org then when registration for the scenario is open,
1. log into the site
2. select the Scenarios menu item on the left
3. select the Registration link
4. fill out the form.
I should note that it is most beneficial to keep your in-game ID and BBS id updated on ahevents.org's profile so you can be easily added to any special forums that are setup for specific events you register for.