Author Topic: Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes  (Read 171 times)

Offline Zippatuh

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« on: October 12, 2001, 12:19:00 PM »
I had one of the best fighter sorties yesterday in my F4U-1D at A14.  I ended up with 9 kills with only one attributed to a proximity kill.  So I started thinking, what would have happened had I been in the 4?  Everyone knows the answer, dog pile right.  There would have been no way I could have landed that sortie with a F4U-4.  I am ready to bet good money that the attack on 14 would have been completely blown as all the Rook air force would have been trying to kill me.

I was thinking why not just get rid of the “F4U4” icon and change it to the normal “F4U” icon.  What does that do for the Tempest, 152, 262, and Arado drivers?  Nothing.  So know I’m thinking just get rid of the plane type identification all together.

Actually I’d like to see what I left in FA with all the icons having the pilots’ nic regardless of side.  After all aren’t you really flying against the pilot and not the plane anyway?  I would still like to see icons just not the plane type.  At the very minimum the chess piece and range.

Plane identification in the icon has become more a disadvantage then an advantage in my opinion.  Lets get rid of it!


**Posted here by mistake**

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: Zippatuh ]


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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2001, 01:38:00 PM »
You'll soon find that the "whining types" are going to come in here and debate about thier lack of vision,(not physical site, but rather monitor limitations) and ability to determin friend from foe crap.

This issue is so OBViously simple to address.  

(and yes Even I am compromising on the single identification piece, albiet Id rather choose to have NO icons of enemy contacts)

A. Get rid of range finder ALL TOGETHER

B. Make Each country have a SINGLE dot over the aircraft.

C. ANY enemy country has a RED dot over the aircraft. (THATS it... )

D. ALL friendly aircraft use the CURRENT system. (green icon, range, and name)

Offline SKurj

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2001, 06:13:00 PM »

[ 10-12-2001: Message edited by: SKurj ]

Offline leitwolf

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2001, 09:41:00 PM »
My contribution to the whine:  ;)
It gets quite annoying to have ALL enemy planes focus on you just because you exhibit that "i paid XX perk points, come an get me" sign. I am quite sure that in RL a pilot would never be able to distinguish between different plane versions at 5k distances. How about changing the labels the way it is now with the spitfires? Have one single label for a family of planes. You *can* distinguish between say spitfire marks V and IX in AH but only if you get very close - as it should be.
So the label for the Tempest should read "TYPH", a "190" for the Ta152H1 and a F4U for the F4U*4*.
Thats a very minor change which might permit to fly the tempest again one day  :D
veni, vidi, vulchi.

Offline tofri

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2001, 01:27:00 PM »
Real strange!
Before the invention of the invention of the F4U-4, there had been hardly a whine about the icons of perk planes.
Now the forum is swamped with sobbing and crying, as if someone took candys from a horde of toddlers.  :mad:
I almost could see them in the times before 1.08, dreaming of the F4U-4 shooting down all cons and pretending on channel 1, that they fly just a F4U-1.  :rolleyes:

If you want to be a dweeb, show it!!!!!

Offline Frost

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2001, 02:00:00 PM »
Tofri, do a search.  The subject has been brought up numerous times in the past.  It is a valid point.  When you are in any of the perk planes you are a huge target.  People go out of their way to take those points away from you.  I get HO'ed while flying a perk plane 3 times as much as when I'm flying a nonperk plane.  I agree with keeping generic labels for the planes.

Offline tofri

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
Hi Frost!

Ever flown a C47?
Ever flown a low buff?
You will be suprised, how many cons stop dogfighting to hunt you down!!
What shall we do?? Making goons and buffs invisible???????
If you fly LA7 or Niki, you are often the center of a witch hunt!
And all these planes are unperked. They are main targets for their strategic role or because they are just dweebish  ;)

The Main arena is a place, where all want to fight each other and everyone has the right to choose its opponent depending on his skill and plane.
The icons are a substitute for the reduced sight of a monitor and the lack of stereo sighting.(sorry if I use the wrong terms, but I hope you understand)

 :D  :D If you love your plane, don't fly it!  :D  :D

Offline Zippatuh

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Thoughts on Icons and Perk Planes
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2001, 01:57:00 PM »

[ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Zippatuh ]