Author Topic: 8" inch gunnery realism  (Read 143 times)

Offline Vati66

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8" inch gunnery realism
« on: December 27, 2000, 12:54:00 PM »
I understand why you setup the 8" turrets under local control but in RL these weapons normaly did not operate this way.   These weapons were linked to a fire control center that used Info from the Directors mounted high on the fire control towers to plot out the firing solutions.   The Directors used a long bases steroscopic range finder to determine range ( later this was done with radar), speed, and course.  This info was sent to fire control central whitch then determined the proper fireing solution.  After the first salvo was fired, the Directors would "spot" the fall of the shots and send corrections to FC whitch would then set up the next salvo with corrections for course and speed changes.  This would be repeated  over and over all dureing the battle.    I know this would be very hard to do in this sim.  but can we at least have a range finder ?   Please.



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8" inch gunnery realism
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2000, 01:19:00 PM »
good, point whats the point of having guns that can shoot 35k + and not having any way to aim the farther than say 6 or 7...still really fun though, they also do so little damage to everything that i dont even bother wiht them.

Offline Jekyll

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8" inch gunnery realism
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2000, 02:03:00 PM »
Hang on...... you can aim the guns.  When in a turret go to the map and click on your target field.  When you return to the turret you will see two sets of range/bearing data.

The first set is your current 'fall of shot' position ... the second set is the location of your assigned target.

Just make sure both sets of data are identical and let fly!

=357th Pony Express=
Aces High Training Corps

Offline Fury

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8" inch gunnery realism
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2000, 02:56:00 PM »
Wow thanks for that info.  Even on max zoom, I could not get much to fall accurately over 14k.  Will have to try it when I get home.


Offline Vermillion

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8" inch gunnery realism
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2000, 04:05:00 PM »
what got me, was when earlier today, I was in the lead turret of the Cruiser, and engaged the Enemy Task Force at about 2k (literally).

I pounded the CV for between 1-3 minutes as fast as the guns could load, all direct hits with HE to the flight deck and superstructure, and it didn't do crap. Didn't even make the thing smoke.

CV's are not armored like Battleships, 8" HE shells would pound the crap out of that thing.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure


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8" inch gunnery realism
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2000, 07:38:00 AM »
Verm, that should be fixed now in version 1.052.

I tried shelling ships Tuesday in 1.050 and couldn't sink one.

Now in 1.052, 1 or 2 salvos from a single turret will sink a destroyer, 4 sank a cruiser, and 6 sank a carrier.  HE rounds.

As for inacurate to real life fire control, well...yes.  But I think HiTech and Pyro are not going to change it.  They want to keep this mainly a flight sim still.

Besides, in such a miniturised and condensed warzone, having very short ranged guns is almost mandatory.  You could shoot too much stuff otherwise, and not even bother leaving the dock.
