Author Topic: Of CVs, LCVs, LCTs, and DUKWs  (Read 90 times)


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Of CVs, LCVs, LCTs, and DUKWs
« on: September 20, 2000, 09:08:00 PM »
Rumor has it that carriers are coming in 1.05.  

One of the frustrating things in the "other" multiplayer flight sim was that if you got isolated to just your CV, you couldn't get back any fields because the CV is unable to sortie any troop carriers.  

It'd be nice to be able to sortie some LCVs,LCTs, or DUKWs to transport troops ashore with...

As an aside, I don't think there are any sims out there that have floatplanes.  I'd think it'd be a unique experience to have one... though I don't know any that would be very useful in the main arena...

[This message has been edited by Nuku (edited 09-20-2000).]