Well, I just added a mic to my game - feel like I'm past denial and into admission stage now... Mic seems to work well, everyone hears me, nobody screaming to "turn it down" or "turn it up"... Just an old two-plug mic/headset that I'm using the mic portion of...plugged into the SoundBlaster/Audigy card in the microphone jack, couple spots down from the stereo headphones I'm using.
HOWEVER - I have noticed that there are times...not EVERY time, but MANY times, when I'm looking forward (12 O'clock level) and shooting at the same, I can't hear the sound of the gun. If I turn my head (view direction) on the top hat of the joystick, I can hear the gun shooting out that ear (turn my head right, hear the gun shooting in my left ear, which is correct). But when I look straight forward again, the sound of the gun goes away. This has happened in manned-ack, tank pintle MG, even plane - flying and shoot, see tracers, hear nothing.
Any ideas???