Author Topic: I think I'm about done  (Read 1586 times)

Offline bongaroo

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Offline DamnedRen

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Re: I think I'm about done
« Reply #46 on: September 06, 2008, 01:04:24 PM »

"I've been playing almost 18 months now."
No offense but WOW! A WHOLE 18 MONTHS! Dude, you must be the top dog in here! I'd bet there's no one you can't beat! Wait a minute! You do get killed? How can that be?

You say, "what's the point?"  Why did you show up in the first place? What was your point of being here? To learn to fly a cartoon combat airplane and be able to shoot up folks? You killed a few planes and died a few times.  I looked at your score for this tour. So far you flew for 2+ hours and got 4 kills. The prev tour wasn't much better. 15 kills in 5 hours of flying? The prev was 21 kills in 6 hours. And I'm not picking on score. Just how many planes you shot down. So, what have you learned?

You say, "I've been trying the DA" then say "I'm a new comer to the DA". I hate to say it but you're still a new comer to the game.

Lots of folks come into the game, learn a little, stop progressing then start a post with the words, "I sense the game has changed and what's the point?" There's guys that show up in the TA after having flown for over two years (yep, that's just a lil bit more than yer 18 months) saying, "I'm still getting shot down a lot and I'll be damned if I can figure out why". They spend a little time with a Trainer and find out how little they really know and then begin to learn. There's dudes who have been flying for 5 years and never heard the term "lift vector" other than what they've read on some boards somewhere. A simple basic term. There are people who haven't figured out that the term, "Lose sight, lose the fight" actually does mean something and if you haven't figured out how to maintain visual contact with the enemy plane, at all times, how can you expect to defeat him?

The deal here is if you have barely scratched the surface of air combat and know that some thing you do in a fight happens to work but you're not sure why then how can you sit there and say,"the game isn't the same?" Are you saying you ain't "getting it" so yer frustrated and moving on to something easier?

If that's the case the best thing I can say is  :salute.

But think about this, there are guys that have been flying for years and they gained the knowledge many new folks seek. They also have learned the reason's why planes behave they way they do and how you can use those differences to your advantage along with tactics designed to win a fight before it ever starts. Imagine that, you set up the win so you win it. Amazing!

If you can honestly say you have this game all figured out and there's nothing you can learn then go grab a club and walk thru some cartoon forest til you run across some scorpion. While your clubbing it with a 50/50 chance of winning or losing (and grabbing something to drink) ask yourself one question, "what the heck am I doing here"?

Or, you can stay in a great community and actually become a great stick. Then perhaps you might even be able give something back to all the new guys that will be where you are right now.

Leave if you must, stay if you like. Ask if you want to learn more. Enjoy your time with the friends you made here. You get what you put into the game.

'nuff said.
