Author Topic: 414th Fs Black Widow Recruiting  (Read 522 times)

Offline 20mmrain

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414th Fs Black Widow Recruiting
« on: September 02, 2008, 07:42:51 PM »
     The 414th Fs Black Widows a currently Recruiting. We have 2 new Requirements to new Recruits.
1) all New members must fly with the squad for one night. To allow us to get to know the individual.
2) Upon approval all new members must show up for all the first months Squad Nights unless giving proper notification To either 20mmrain Co or hibly xo of absence.
     Squad nights are on Friday's at 8pm eastern Weekly. So if intersted come find 20mmrain CO or hibly xo on channel 133 on bish for right now.

(Matt) 20mmrain

p.s. We will be bringing back up our membership restrictions very shortly. So if intrested please ac soon. :aok
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