Author Topic: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews  (Read 1067 times)

Offline AKIron

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2008, 06:39:14 PM »
They canned 'em because of their record low ratings. NBC may be way out in left field but they still gotta pay the bills.
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Offline bj229r

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2008, 07:29:32 PM »
The best even-handed REASONAble discourse I ever see comes from the FOX 'roundtable' , in the last 20 min of weekday 6:00 news (and last 30 min of the Sunday AM show) 2 conservatives, 2 liberals, noone shouting the other down, just points of view from both sides of the fence.  ABC Sunday comes reasonably close, but George Will isn't a debater. 'Capitol Gang' is a frikkin joke, bunch of like-minded liberals discussing issues of the day, NBC HAD Russert, who leaned left, am I missing any?
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Offline Motherland

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2008, 08:07:19 PM »
The difference is that Limbaugh, O'rielly and the likes don't CLAIM to be unbiased like the  "mainstream" media does.  Limbaugh has never claimed to be anything more than a cheerleader for the Conservative movement.  Sean Hannity is the same way.  They come right out and tell you they're biased.  I don't understand how so many can't see this one glaringly obvious fact.
What? lol
"We report, you decide"?
"Fair and Balanced"?
"No Spin Zone"?
No, the Conservatives don't claim to be mainstream or unbalanced at all... :lol

I don't like Olbermann or O'Reilly. Not at all. They're almost exactly the same IMO.

Offline lasersailor184

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2008, 08:18:30 PM »
What? lol
"We report, you decide"?
"Fair and Balanced"?
"No Spin Zone"?
No, the Conservatives don't claim to be mainstream or unbalanced at all... :lol

I don't like Olbermann or O'Reilly. Not at all. They're almost exactly the same IMO.

There's a difference between Commentators and Reporters.  Commentators know they are biased.  They tell you they are biased.  They probably tell you what they are biased for.

Rush Limbaugh is a commentator, not a reporter.

Also, Combes is a dog with no bite.  He's so leashed when Hannity is around, but goes nuts whenever he has the show to himself.
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Offline Druss

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2008, 08:21:36 PM »

O'Reilly vs Olberman would be a show I'd watch. Just to enjoy seeing O'Reilly get castrated.

 :D "Whittlin' knives and willow switches..." or "brass knuckles and bootheels..."

I don't watch either of them so I'll just bet on the meanest looking one!

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2008, 08:43:47 PM »
I'm reminded of this guy...

<snipped image of Ben Stein>
Bueller... Bueller...

That guy is such an idiot and for someone that claims to be as intelligent as he is, he really is a dumbarse to boot.

He actually tried to sue a company I used to work for (Sony Online Entertainment) because of one of our games (Everquest).  His (at the time) 17 year old son was an avid EQ player and his constant playing caused his grades to go down.  To keep his son from playing the game, Ben Stein sent him off to a boarding school (allowed the son to take his computer) to 'cure' him of his addiction.  Well, since the kid still had his computer, he kept playing and IIRC, failed out of school.  So Ben Stein sued SOE claiming we caused his son's addiction and did nothing to prevent him from accessing the game and instead fed his addiction with weekly newsletters and the like.  Thankfully, the jury realized it was a case of bad parenting and ruled in SOE's favor.  Mention EQ or SOE with earshot of Ben Stein and he'll go ballistic.

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