Author Topic: areana maps  (Read 381 times)

Offline hyster

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areana maps
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:35:26 AM »
i remember when we only had small maps and every saying that we needed larger maps (i agreed with them). now we have the large maps people are saying that we want the small maps.

i think the obvious answear is to have the blue arena large maps and the orange arena small maps that way people can decide what size map they want to play as they go.

personally i like the large maps when there are a lot of players on (200+) but are not good when only 100 players on.

sorry wrong area  :mad:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 05:39:30 AM by hyster »

Offline Hap

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 08:16:12 AM »
A long time ago, there was always something to sneak or to be kept from being snuck.  And fights to be found along the way.

Today, without good fights, the game doesn't deliver.  So says the BBS. 

Turning 1 late war arena back to the way things used to be would be great.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 09:15:23 AM »
The problem is the "lemming" mentality of players today. Nobody "thinks" any more, they just follow in hordes. Todays "squad leaders" where brought up in this "horde" manner and that is the only way they know how to play the game. Years ago, before the "hordes" there were a number of "key players" that where very well known for the plans, and attacks. When they logged in all of those looking to do tactical type game play would join their missions.

These missions, while full of some pretty substantial numbers where not hordes. The reason being is the numbers were used to co-ordinate a "plan" not to over whelm the enemy. Today its 3 goons 10 niks and 10 110's every one stay low run to the base, Niks take out ace and vulch, and 110's take out the town. If the sneak was busted they pack up and more someplace else. The old way would have used the numbers differently. They would have had4-5 sets of buffs in the air, a few fast fighters for high cap, and few medium alt heavy fighters for clean-up, and GVs and goons. Everything timed to flow. Buffs and GVs out first because they need a bit more time to get into position, work a couple bases at a time. VH taken down 15 mins before the attack really starts. flight paths taken to deliberately flash a base and bring up a dar bar while the whole wing just runs the edge going to a different base.

Plans and missions where thought out, and if one was "busted" the attacking force adjust tactics to COMPLETE the mission, not run away to some other undefended base. Today its more important to "steal" a base, grab your points and move on, most have forgotten how much fun this game can be. Small maps, big maps, it doesn't matter. Its all about how you play the game. If your always looking for the short cut, or quickest easiest way to do something, your cutting out half the fun.

Offline zuii

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 09:50:13 AM »
I have been playing less than a year and I'm trying to not be overly judgmental. The biggest surprise of AH for me was the method of base capture, with 2-3 goons, 4 Niki's and 800 110s. I have flown in these types of missions and had a great time, but after one or two of these types of sorties, the gaminess shows in a big way. Mabey its because im still new to all this. Mabey that's just blitzkrieg, im not sure.

(runs for cover with hands over head) 

zuii <S>
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 10:17:01 AM by zuii »
39th FS "Cobra in the Clouds"

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(it was not all fun and games inside the forbidden city)

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 10:05:08 AM »
Good post Fugative.

Back in the day (AW) my squad, the Red Barons, used to up such missions.  We'd send 1 buff with a fighter to each and every strat target on the opposing countries side.  These fighters and bombers each upped from different bases depending where their target was with the buffs starting deep to grab alt and the fighters rendevousing in flight.  Then a few high 17's with gunners would up deep headed to our actual taget field and be joined by fighter escorts upping much closer to the target.  Finally, the actual fighter force that would cap that base would up from yet another staging base.  Everything was timed so that strats went down, the buffs hit the field a few minutes later and then the fighter cap arrived.

This allowed the enemy to fight us in several groups, all taking off from different fields with different tactical objectives but all with the same strategic objective.  We used to use every available field for staging these missions (maps were pretty small in AW for those who were'nt there).  Those missions were always big fun, win or lose.

You just don't see that type of play anymore.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Online Max

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2008, 10:36:37 AM »
The problem is the "lemming" mentality of players today. Nobody "thinks" any more, they just follow in hordes. Todays "squad leaders" where brought up in this "horde" manner and that is the only way they know how to play the game. Years ago, before the "hordes" there were a number of "key players" that where very well known for the plans, and attacks. When they logged in all of those looking to do tactical type game play would join their missions.

These missions, while full of some pretty substantial numbers where not hordes.

So you're saying there's a distinct difference between missions with substantial numbers vs hordes? Bullpucky. I recall Ripsnort scripting missions which easily numbered 20+ and those were the AHI days when towns went down like bowling pins. How about the Sunday night squad led missions? Heck, back in '01-'02 The Damned or The MAW could muster 50+ on a good squad night. Back in those days I'm guessing the player base was 3,000 +/- subscribers. You would see 400-500 players on a peak weekend night on small maps like Mindinao, Uterus, NDIsles, etc. Talk about hordes and toolshedding  :confused:  It wasn't unusual for one chess piece to win the war two, sometimes three times @ night back then.

There are 2 things that will never change:
1 there will always be "hordes"
2.there will always be players who complain about the "hordes"

and...maybe even a 3rd thing that will never change...people who complain about base taking hordes...who join a mission when it suits them and smile when the base is captured.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2008, 04:48:01 PM »
So you're saying there's a distinct difference between missions with substantial numbers vs hordes?

Yes there is a difference. A horde in todays game is a fearfull pack of skilless dweebs. Their main object is to "steal" as many bases as they can. Fight for a base, heavens NO !! that is against ALL principles of the horde.

I was with the 444th Air Mafia for years and years, we went head to head with the MAW many a time, but again, that shows the difference. Where in those days we fought, these days they don't. MAW missions were multi pronged as were the Mafia missions, as were the Red Barons missions. These days most of these squad leaders wouldn't know how to take 3 bases in 30 minutes. It happened many a time in the old days. If the defense wasn't a squad or two working together, the MAW was going to run rough shod across the country.

These days the horde just goes to the other side of the map and tries to keep pace stealing bases as fast as they loose them on the other side. Again, I still say its not the maps, but the skill set of the players these days that is taking the fun out of the game.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: areana maps
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2008, 07:56:55 PM »
yaay.. for once i cheered on the bish horde :) they reset ozkansas in LW blue!

montis now   :aok :aok

Kill the manned ack.