Wow I was in "happy drunk" mode last night logging off, that's a first
Root canal? OMFG I have had broke bones, spent 4 months in the hospital for my disease, almost any test known to man.
the ONLY thing that has ever hurt worse than my root canal was 7 spinal taps in a row. About 1/2 way through the root canal they tried to re-numb me... I told them it wasn't working and at 6 PM the office was empty. I told them "grind through it fast and hard, there's no one here to hear me scream in pain". reluctantly the dentist did it, and I screamed like a little girl. I SWORE he was drilling directly into the bottom of my eyeball (root canal on left canine tooth). Once he was done drilling he injected some crap into the grand canyon that used to be my upper front jaw to clean the hole before filling it.. it was either lava or pure acid. I swear my left eye still twitches in pain thinking of that day.
if I ever have to get another I will have them pull the tooth raw no Novocaine. and make me a denture. it will be quicker and less painful.