Actually McCain just announced today that he wants to expand the govt and create a new Mortgage and Financial Institutions trust agency.
So the guy that claims he will somehow cut 100's of billions of dollars out of the budget, but can't give any specifics on how he will do it other than cutting defense spending and earmarks, now wants to expand the govt and create more red tape.
(Image removed from quote.)
As for Obama, I'm not a fan of him targeting one specific group for higher taxes, however for 90% of Americans taxes will go down. Most of the people that complain about his idea on taxes would likely get a cut in their taxes under Obama's plan.
Personally I only support a flat tax, because then everyone would pay their fair share regardless of how much they made. With that said I don't support Obama's or McCain's tax plans because neither are fair to everyone.
Give the McCain a break, he said himself he doesn't know anything about economics, ummm from his own mouth. So obviously, he only knows what people tell him. Since he's pipe fed by the Bush camp peeps,.. well,.. you know....
And of course he's going to have a team of people look into the economic troubles,...refer to the above.
He has NO (from his own mouth) clue what he's doing with the economy,...just what we need, just in the nik-o-time!! <whew!>
Obama = normal political liar, in a wishful thinking kinda way.
McCain = normal political liar, in a liar kinda way.