From my experience in the DA since February of this year and since becoming a Co of the Rowdy Ones. I have established great relationships with the TA's and all the other squads that frequent the DA. The main reason why alot of us fly in there rather in the MA is the quick transit time to the fight ( air to air combat). Most of us don't want to fly bombers, drive tanks, we just want to become better pilots. Alot of the guys have talked to me or I just heard some requests that are going on.
Alot of the MA pilots want to come in there to find 1on1's. Sometimes they get responses, sometimes they don't. There are times I'd like to 1on1 for 3 hours and sometimes I want to fly the lake and not half to go through that much concentration. AKA the DA isn't what it used to be even with the side fields available for 1on1's.
-Have a dueling arena with 2 bases at each field - this way anytime you want a 1on1 if you don't half to wonder if anyone would want to duel you can see how many people is in the arena. Also it would be nice to have a hourly tournament of 1on1's if someone would program it and have it where you could join it like a mission now and the program randomly selects the match-ups and planes ( I think that would be pretty neat anyways ). Hourly may not be acceptible but a nightly 1on1 tournament would be nice.
- Secondly have a aka smaller MA with close dogfights "furball lake" (running through the middle of the lake put a canyon lol that would be cool ) also to limit the perk planes ect. set-up exactly like the MA as far as perks go. As far as picking 51's ect. that's part of the game and most of us excepts it

unless you would put a 10k alt on the arena anyone breaks that barrier they automatically blow up
Please respond with comments I'll keep a check on it.