She was not subpoenaed. She is not required to. Perhaps the real reason she is now unwilling to talk, is that Democrat Senator Hollis French has turned the investigation into a political media circus. Maybe had he conducted the investigation with in the confines of the committee instead of in the court of public opinion and media smear, she might be more willing to cooperate.
Actually, wrong again. Several legislators voted against it.
yeah, before they voted for it.

Several as in what? 3? 2?

"The McCain campaign said on Monday that Palin, who was not subpoenaed, was unlikely to cooperate." Taken from AP article
Skyrock, if you are going to quote something, at least quote it without changing the words. It make you seem so much more believable and non-biased.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
is unlikely to speak with an independent counsel hired by Alaska lawmakers to review the firing of her public safety commissioner, a spokesman for Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Monday. Spokesman Ed O Callaghan initially said Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president,
would not testify as part of the probe"
He did say, "she would not testify", he just changed his words later.

dig through her political past to find something that glaringly says she should not be VP. My bet is you can't
I've seen enough to know I don't like her, she's a wacko nut case with a thirst for power.
*Once in office, Governor Palin decided to continue
litigation that seeks to overturn every subsistence fishing determination the federal government has ever made in Alaska. (State of Alaska v. Norton, 3:05-cv-0158- HRH (D.
Ak).) In pressing this case, Palin decided against using the Attorney General (which usually handles State litigation) and instead continued contracting with Senator Ted Stevens' brother-in-law' s law firm (Birch, Horton, Bittner & Cherot).
The goal of Palin's law suit is to invalidate all the
subsistence fishing regulations the federal government has issued to date to protect Native fishing, and to force the courts instead to take over the roll of setting subsistence regulations. Palin's law suit seeks to diminish subsistence fishing rights in order to expand sport and commercial fishing.
**Palin has also sought to invalidate critical
determinations the Federal Subsistence Board has made regarding customary and traditional uses of game, specifically to take hunting opportunities away from Native subsistence villagers and thereby enhance sport hunting.
Palin's attack here on subsistence has focused on the
Ahtna Indian people in Chistochina. Although the federal district court has rejected Palin's challenge, she has carried on an appeal that was argued in August 2008. (State
of Alaska v. Fleagle, No. 07-35723 (9th Cir.).)
In both hunting and fishing matters, Palin has continued uninterrupted the policies initiated by the former Governor Frank Murkowski Administration, challenging hunting and fishing protections that Native people depend upon for their
subsistence way of life in order to enhance sport fishing and hunting opportunities. Palin's lawsuits are a direct attack on the core way of life of Native Tribes in rural Alaska.
***Given past court rulings affirming the federally
recognized tribal status of Alaska Native villages, Palin does not technically challenge that status. But Palin argues that Alaska Tribes have no authority to act as sovereigns, despite their recognition.
So extreme is Palin on tribal sovereignty issues that she has sought to block tribes from exercising any authority whatsoever even over the welfare of Native children, adhering to a 2004 legal opinion issued by the former Murkowski Administration that no such jurisdiction exists (except when a state court transfers a matter to a tribal court).
Both the state courts and the federal courts have struck down Palin's policy of refusing to recognize the sovereign authority of Alaska Tribes to address issues involving Alaska Native children. Native Village of Tanana v. State of Alaska, 3AN-04-12194 CI (judgment entered Aug. 26, 2008) (Ak. Super. Ct.); Native Kaltag Tribal Council v.DHHS, No. 3:06-cv-00211- TMB (D. Ak.), pending on appeal No
08-35343 (9th Cir.)). Nonetheless, Palin's policy of
refusing to recognize Alaska tribal sovereignty remains unchanged.
****Palin has refused to accord proper respect to Alaska
Native languages and voters by refusing to provide language assistance to Yup'ik speaking Alaska Native voters. As a result, Palin was just ordered by a special three-judge panel of federal judges to provide various forms of voter assistance to Yup'ik voters residing in southwest Alaska. Nick v. Bethel, No. 3:07-cv-0098- TMB (D. Ak.) (Order
entered July 30, 2008). Citing years of State neglect, Palin was ordered to provide trained poll workers who are bilingual in English and Yup'ik; sample ballots in written Yup'ik; a written Yup'ik glossary of
election terms; consultation with local Tribes to ensure the accuracy of Yup'ik translations; a Yup'ik language coordinator; and pre-election and post-election reports to the court to track the State's efforts.
In sum, measured against some the rights that are most fundamental to Alaska Native Tribes - the subsistence way of life, tribal sovereignty and voting rights - Palin's record is a failure.
She's a hate filled moron. Plain and simple.