Author Topic: Ditching or Landing  (Read 163 times)

Offline Minotaur

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Ditching or Landing
« on: January 08, 2000, 10:25:00 AM »

More of a question really...

EX1:  After landing, I stop off of the the runway.   ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Ditch"

EX2:  After landing, I stop off of the the runway.   ENT ENT ENT -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

EX3:  After taking combat damage, I land somwhere near a small town in Egypt.   ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Ditch"

EX4:  After taking combat damage, I land somwhere near a small town in Egypt.   ENT ENT ENT -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

EX5:  After taking combat damage, I bail out over a small town in Egypt.   ENT ENT ENT -->  FE reports "xxxxxx #12 has shotdown Minotaur" --> o -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

EX6:  FE reports "You have been Killed" --> Bail from a higher altitude you Dweeb  

After landing not on a runway.  Going straight to the tower is a "Ditch".  Bailing first, it is a "Successful Landing".  This happens with or without combat damage.  

Is this a game feature, or is the FE not telling me the whole story?  

After landing, if I bail out with battle damage, does someone else record a "Kill"?  I don't see any FE messages that say that it.  My FE only reports a "Kill" message only if I bail out while still in the air.


Offline Azrael

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2000, 11:17:00 AM »
EX2:  After landing, I stop off of the the runway.   ENT ENT ENT -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

EX4:  After taking combat damage, I land somwhere near a small town in Egypt.   ENT ENT ENT -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

EX5:  After taking combat damage, I bail out over a small town in Egypt.   ENT ENT ENT -->  FE reports "xxxxxx #12 has shotdown Minotaur" --> o -->  ESC --> Tower --> FE reports "Successful Landing"

I think it counts in your score as a bail (well you knew that you bailed out didn't you?  ) but your bailed pilot made a safe landing and was not shot by a chute killer or by the ack weenies.


 Red Dragons

Offline janneh

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2000, 04:22:00 AM »
Quite boring too, when You fly long way to home and see your field rw is bombed off and you land there anyway = Ditched. Better just ditch near nme field tho...


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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2000, 07:27:00 AM »
Hi all. If landing at a bombed runway counts as a ditch how come the game will let you take off from one?    And I thought How cool when I logged on the other nite and got to take off from a field that was "Dirt".   Btw it was the field where my fe or the game sent me to start , not one of my choice.

Offline max621

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2000, 06:53:00 PM »
I've talked to HT about this before but he said this is realistic and doesn't need to be changed. I complained why skidding off the runway with only one gear would make a ditch, people said it was "realistic" that if u dont land on the runway it's a ditch. My little news...
BTW, writeing this uickly so excuse grammar/spelling

Offline glars

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2000, 08:06:00 PM »
So just to confirm then, if an enemy has dropped a bomb somewhere on a runway, then it doesn't matter if you land properly and go nowhere near the crater, you'll be assessed as ditched?

That's kinda harsh isn't it?

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Offline Maniac

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2000, 06:32:00 AM »

This is not an biggie in the beta period but i hope it will be adressed when things go pay.

I think if you land inside the base limits it should count as an landing.

// -nr-1-
Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac


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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2000, 07:50:00 AM »
I think that I have a pretty good understanding of the scoring system.  As far as kills/death ratio goes; a ditch and a landing (on the runway) count the same, and a death and a bail count the same.  
When you bail, the system will tell you, "You have landed successfully", meaning that you landed in your parachute successfully.  When I bail the system tells me, "You have been killed", rightfully so, because I waited too damn long untill I pulled the rip cord and hit the ground at 95mph with my chute open.  
Whenever you manage to get your aircraft on the ground, in any condition and anywhere, always ".ef" , never "Enter, Enter, Enter", or it will count as a bail.


[This message has been edited by eskimo (edited 01-17-2000).]

Offline Dinger

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Ditching or Landing
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2000, 07:50:00 AM »
I hate to object, but:
There is nothing realistic about this.  My guess is that IRL™ a huge percentage of the times (especially in wartime) that a pilot abandons an A/C on the runway, that plane needs at least serious maintenance before flying again.  A significant number of A/C probably never fly again after being abandoned on the runway.
My understanding is that it is SOP for A/C taxi off the runway to a parking place.  Of course, if you move your AH ride to the hangar, it's a ditch.
How about: "Ditch" -- outside of the airfield
           "Landed" -- exited plane on airbase, with landing gear intact.
           "Crash Landed" -- exited with damaged gear.
And make it so that any contact with non-runway over XX mph damages the gear.

The gameplay problem with the current system is that when the poindexter bombing the field drops an egg on the runway, those nearby have a choice:
A. Stay in the air until it rebuilds
B. RTB to a different base, in which case they usually have enough fuel for A.
C. Not worry about returning home -- with no runway, the whole map is a landing field.
D. Land and wait for the runway to "pop up".

D. gets boring really fast and defeats the purpose, A is a non-choice, B almost never occurs, because it usually implies A.  This leaves us with C as the most popular option.
In other words, the current system actually encourages ditching.  Now, if you seriously damage somebody, and that person's base has lost its runway, the pilot has no incentive whatsoever to nurse a damaged bird home.  Better to get down fast, and respawn faster.  Run out of ammo?  Just ditch and grab a new one.  Short on bombs?  Why fly halfway across the map only to find out on final that you've lost your asphalt?