Author Topic: beginner fighter  (Read 3633 times)

Offline Bubbajj

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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #60 on: September 25, 2008, 05:49:04 AM »
Zeke. no wep, no running, no chasing anything down, but it's an easy ride to learn in cause it turns so well. A zeke pilot who has even the slightest clue will sweep spits, hurcs, and FM's from the sky. And that's really important cause these are the only planes that will stop and turn with you. Anything else that stops and turns is pretty much dead meat. It lands easy and will fly for ever on a full load of fuel. It will also dance when low on fuel. It doesn't dive well and pretty much stops turning at 400 mph. But that's ok too as most TnB takes place below 250. It's not terribly durable either but you learn not to HEAD ON. It has really good outward views to aid situational awareness.

Just take some time and fly a few different ones. I think half the fun is jumping in something new and seeing what it will do. A P40 is a  hoot as long as you don't expect to rack up kills. As for me, just grabbing one plane and sticking with it is BORING. I jump around a lot cause it's fun from time to time to change up the fighting style. It doesn't matter what you do initially because until you have some hours in the log your going to die. A LOT. Thats just my opinion, I never bothered to learn spits.

Offline abc123

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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #61 on: September 26, 2008, 06:10:44 PM »
For what it's worth, I think the 109G-2 is a spectacular aircraft to start in (other then the less then average gun package). 

It's going to be VERY hard to take down a crack G2 pilot.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #62 on: September 26, 2008, 08:11:18 PM »
I believe its a great starters airplane, and even better then the Spits.

It's a terrible plane to recommend for new players.  The P-38 is honestly a medium and above skill fighter, a new player will just be fodder in it and will quickly grow frustrated and either move to another airplane or quit the game.  It's best if a new player becomes familiar with the flight model in a plane that is more accomodating to the new flyer and learn the concepts of BFM/ACM before moving on to a more advanced fighter like the P-38.

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #63 on: September 26, 2008, 08:34:22 PM »
Negative Rich. All P38s suffer from compression at a relatively low speed. A good diver would be as mentioned above a P47, 190, F6F etc. Much more stable and doesn't compress until u hit some really hi speeds (500mph).

The only time a P-38 will enter into a compressability state is if it begins a high dive above 20,000ft because the mach threshold is lower at that altitude and keeps getting lower the higher you go up.  The lower you go (20,000ft and below), the mach threshold is higher and the P-38 won't enter into a compressability state.  As Murdr pointed out in his previous post, a lot mistake things such as high speed buffets and the like (Murdr's example of the Bf 109) with compressability.  I don't know if it exists anymore but many years ago I posted in here a guideline of the speeds and altitudes you need to be at to enter into compressability while flying the P-38, if it's still around these boards somewhere it's a good guide to use.

A P38 does accelerate fairly quickly in a dive, but I wouldn't count diving as one of its strengths. Maybe against something like a 109 but against something like a P47, if u diving, u pretty much dieing.

Really depends on the pilot at the controls of the P-38.  I have no troubles whatsover following anyone in a dive, especially P-47s.  I can easily get the P-38 to 500mph IAS and still retain enough control to pull out and maneuver, albeit sluggishly from the high stick forces from the speed.  The key is use rudders to slow you down in the dive, jocky throttle as needed and do not start you dive at high altitudes.  Follow those three pointers and you'll not enter into a compressability state.  As I've always said, if you entered into compressability while flying the P-38, you screwed up big time and only have yourself to blame.  YMMV.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #64 on: September 26, 2008, 09:45:10 PM »
Only time I end up in a compressed state is when I'm fighting with 2 1000 lbs still on.  :eek: I know, but I just hate throwing away good ordnance !

Offline Motherland

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Re: beginner fighter
« Reply #65 on: September 26, 2008, 10:15:35 PM »
For what it's worth, I think the 109G-2 is a spectacular aircraft to start in (other then the less then average gun package). 

It's going to be VERY hard to take down a crack G2 pilot.