What,,,, you wanted the licensed Cisco version with the port locker and packet sniffer, or do you even care about helping our newbies? 99.9% of our newbies can't read netstat. This GUI applet pointed even my techno-neo wife in the right direction. I tested it on her before posting it.
How many of you uber-geeks have applets like this that would help newbies and non-geeks get rid of the porno phone home icks? Bet you don't like the micro warps when you saddle up for a kill any better then I do. Lets help these guys to improve our own game fun.......
There are GEEK blogs where you can show off your uber-geekdom and not have to share how simple some of this garbage realy is. Ive gotten tired of watching GEEKs cut each others throat with the knowlege is power game.
It was one of the SIX SIGMA core reasons Bank of America outsourced 98% of us UBER GEEKS from 2001-2006. The "Analysis of Profitabilty in IT Services" 6 SIGMA team after a 3 year study found uber geeks were very often over priced and without constant fires to put out to keep them from getting bored, were under utilised and a negative asset. Uber GEEKS don't make very good day to day server and systems maintenance techs. But then there sure were alot of us left over after the tech bubble.....
They found if all of the nikle and dime server problems were cleaned up to 99.99 and a policy of total preventitive maintenance was adhered to religiously, 10 uber geeks with one guru genius geek were needed to about every 3000-5000 servers thanks to Microsoft OS, IBM blades and ESX server automation. India did all of the monitoring and patch management. HP was outsourced for physical installation and support on-call.