Author Topic: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces  (Read 3349 times)

Offline Nwbie

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Re: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces
« Reply #150 on: September 29, 2008, 03:30:40 PM »
For murder victims, 43% were related to or acquainted with their assailants; 14% of victims were murdered by strangers, while 43% of victims had an unknown relationship to their murderer in 2002.

Two thirds of murders of children under the age of 5 were committed by a parent or other family member.

Homicides are most often committed with guns, especially handguns. In 2005, 55% of homicides were committed with handguns, 16% with other guns, 14% with knives, 5% with blunt objects, and 11% with other weapons.

Went to all of these sites and a few more, don’t see how anything more than a guess will do.

Skuzzy-- "Facts are slowly becoming irrelevant in favor of the nutjob."

Offline lazs2

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Re: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces
« Reply #151 on: September 30, 2008, 08:29:02 AM »
newbie.. by your logic.. we could cut gun crimes in half..  probly more like 2/3 by simply making it illegal for one small ethnic minority to have firearms.

I mean..  maybe we could vote on it?  we are a democracy right?

My handguns have killed less people than ted kennedys car.

We don't have a firearm problem.. we have a people problem and so far as that problem goes..  I want to be armed when the scum show up around me.


Offline Hornet33

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Re: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces
« Reply #152 on: September 30, 2008, 08:51:58 AM »
I was going through the local paper last night online, looking in the archives and stuff. In the last month here in Hampton Roads, there have been 16 shootings. 1 was a domestic dispute. The other 15 were gang/drug/robbery related and of those 15, ALL of the suspects were charged with "Use of a firearm by a CONVICTED FELON". 3 of the 15 suspects are under the age of 18 and are already convicted felons. Anyone want to guess what their race is?  Didn't think so.

So out of the 16 shootings only one was committed by someone who was not already a convicted felon and was able to legally own a gun up to that point. In that one case evidently the guy walked in and caught his wife with another man so he shot her. Can't really say I blame him either but that's a personal opinion, not the law.

The real sad thing though is the gun grabbers and those that support the cause like stats so much but only cherry pick the ones that might help promote their ideas. Those of us living in the real world only have to pick up the local paper or turn on the evening news to see what is REALLY happening and who's doing it, and yet those of us that choose to not be victims by arming ourselves within the letter of the law, are paranoid, racists, angry people looking for a fight, according to the liberals that want to disarm us "for our own good".

Of course the biggest supporters of the anti gun movement don't go anywhere without armed security, live in their plush mansions, and have no clue what is going on in the world beyond the secured walls of their comfy compounds, and gated communities. Let alone even know enough about the weapons they want to ban to be able to discuss the topic on anything even remotely close to intelligently. Ignorance must truly be bliss because those folks are some of the stupidest people I've ever run across.
AHII Con 2006, HiTech, "This game is all about pissing off the other guy!!"

Offline FrodeMk3

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Re: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces
« Reply #153 on: September 30, 2008, 10:02:28 AM »
I was going through the local paper last night online, looking in the archives and stuff. In the last month here in Hampton Roads, there have been 16 shootings. 1 was a domestic dispute. The other 15 were gang/drug/robbery related and of those 15, ALL of the suspects were charged with "Use of a firearm by a CONVICTED FELON". 3 of the 15 suspects are under the age of 18 and are already convicted felons. Anyone want to guess what their race is?  Didn't think so.

So out of the 16 shootings only one was committed by someone who was not already a convicted felon and was able to legally own a gun up to that point. In that one case evidently the guy walked in and caught his wife with another man so he shot her. Can't really say I blame him either but that's a personal opinion, not the law.

The real sad thing though is the gun grabbers and those that support the cause like stats so much but only cherry pick the ones that might help promote their ideas. Those of us living in the real world only have to pick up the local paper or turn on the evening news to see what is REALLY happening and who's doing it, and yet those of us that choose to not be victims by arming ourselves within the letter of the law, are paranoid, racists, angry people looking for a fight, according to the liberals that want to disarm us "for our own good".

Of course the biggest supporters of the anti gun movement don't go anywhere without armed security, live in their plush mansions, and have no clue what is going on in the world beyond the secured walls of their comfy compounds, and gated communities. Let alone even know enough about the weapons they want to ban to be able to discuss the topic on anything even remotely close to intelligently. Ignorance must truly be bliss because those folks are some of the stupidest people I've ever run across.

I'm gonna add to this, Hornet. In the "other 15" at the start of your post, if all of those were convicted felons(thus being inelligible for firearms ownership under the law) then all 15 of those guns would have had to have been either stolen, or bought on the black-market. Whether smuggled into the country from other parts, or legal weapons that were stolen, they won't be affected by any firearms' ban. Which means, of course, that any regulation attempts simply won't cut down on the number of crimes used with these weapons, simply because these guns are all outside of the scope of the law...Even if the rest of us gather up all of our collections, and take them down to the local PD station and throw them in the smelter ourselves, We still aren't disarming one single criminal. HIS gun most likely made it up from Central America or Mexico. And U.S. law doesn't apply there.

Offline lazs2

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Re: Obama encourages his minions to spead his lies and get in people's faces
« Reply #154 on: September 30, 2008, 02:51:51 PM »
You want to end gun crimes in this country?    Simply execute anyone caught using one in a crime.

I don't see that happening so I don't see any solution to the problem of criminals killing each other and... occasionally.. us.

I don't see the 300 million or so guns we have no going away or the criminals we have in this country... many of which aren't even citizens.. obeying any sort of law.

More concealed carry with a corresponding higher penalty rate for using a gun in a crime are the things that will do the most good at this point IN THIS COUNTRY..  not in some tiny little theme park of an island, but in this country.
