Author Topic: Some keyboard tweaking I think might help...  (Read 110 times)


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Some keyboard tweaking I think might help...
« on: January 24, 2000, 04:33:00 AM »
My brother Franz and I were online today (we rarely play, but when we do we tend to get noticed alot for some reason) and we noticed how tricky the various view controls for bombers are.

So, as a good beta tester I am here suggesting some changes to the way some controls work to make the game more "user friendly".

1.  Have the #2 or back view make the panning view mode pan the camera down, not up.  Currently both forward and back views have the panning mode look up for some reason.  I cannot switch between the other two modes (snap and instant) into panning mode and have the coolie hat do what it is supposed to.

2.  When you change between positions in the bombers it would be nice if any postion key would work.  Thus I could hit the #2 key of the top row of the keyboard to jump to the turret, but I could also then imediately hit F6 to jump into the bombadier sight.

In other words, I want to remove the step of having to return to the cockpit to move from guns to bombadier position and back to gun turrets.

3.  Have the external view key F3 also return you to the cockpit without you knowing it (as if hitting F3 actually does a #1 keyboard button, then F3 key combo).  Going external from a turret can create some odd camera angles.

4.  Use the rudders in both the turret and bombadier postion to bank/turn the plane.  Right now the bombadier steers with the joystick, but the gunners use their feet.  The need for two different methods gets confusing.  Since you cannot change the turret controls, change the bombadier postions controls to match the turrets.
