Author Topic: Wind sound influenced by speed and attitude  (Read 105 times)

Offline scout

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Wind sound influenced by speed and attitude
« on: October 20, 1999, 12:36:00 PM »
There is no wind sound in AH yet.

Then HT et al get to it here's an idea:

Let the wind sound not only be influenced by airspeed but also by plane attitude.

In experiencing some real flying this summer I noticed one thing (in gliders):
When the plane is very uncoordinated, as in a deliberate sideslip, the wind sound volume increases very significantly.
Scared me a bit even, the first time I heard it.

I'd describe the volume increase as an exponential curve function of yaw axis uncoordination, for small to medium uncoordinated yaw axis sound volume increase is insignificant but then increases sharply.

I only been in gliders but I imagine this phenomenen is true for all planes to some extent (?).

It wouldn't just be 'ear candy', but also give a useful aurial clue.


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Wind sound influenced by speed and attitude
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 1999, 03:56:00 PM »
Let the wind sound not only be influenced by airspeed but also by plane attitude.

This is a great idea.  Mean, nasty planes like the 190 and the Jug should have burly wind noise.  P40s with a shark's mouth paint job should down right growl.

Old planes, like the Brewster Buffalo, could have a wheezy noise.  Sort of like the old guy that lives two doors down and complains when I step on his lawn.

Those effete spit pilots with their little rounded wings would simply swish.


Offline Vermillion

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Wind sound influenced by speed and attitude
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 1999, 07:28:00 AM »
Those effete spit pilots with their little rounded wings would simply swish.


<sprays coffee all over computer screen in a spasm of laughter>

ROFLMAO !!! Oh my god that was good Rolo, I gotta remember that one  

WB's: (verm--), **MOL**, Men of Leisure,