Author Topic: Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue  (Read 266 times)


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Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2000, 06:57:00 AM »
I think that field capturing is difficult too. Only a few planes can stop to be captured, shooting troopers and c47s.
So map is fixed and not so funny.
How about to do followings?
1)troopers open cutes when they fall-down low altitude. Then c47 can fly high altitude to drop troopers.
2)planes are difficult to run outside of runway. Then ground-running planes can not shot the ground tropers.

Then field capturing will became more easy.


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Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2000, 12:06:00 PM »
Ask Hollywd about a time (been awhile, few versions before rotating countries I think) about how he stopped a sneak attack on field 1 that I and another pilot were executing.  Hollywd said he was in the hanger deciding what bird to fly when he saw the gooney bird come in and start dropping, so he popped the fly button and, as you can imagine, started strafing troops.  I was flying a B17 and hadna gotten low enough to cap the field yet (and the 26 hadna been introduced yet).  Simply put he laid waste to about 45minutes of flying time for us, but that's war sometimes =)

Frankly I dinnae understand why you're making such an issue out of this.  It's very easy to stop and dinnae require you to spend the majority of your playing time in an endless, boring orbit around the field.  When you land or get shot down look at the map for a minute instead of immediately popping the fly button.  Take a look at "the big picture."  If you see something fishy on dar go investigate it or put out a call on the country channel (or both =).
Raids are easy to identify by the lack or pinpoint dots or by the lone pinpoint dot that is headed directly towards a base and is up to 18miles out.  That'll be the bomber climbing to altitude.  There've been many times I've watched a marker progress across sectors suspecting it was a sneak attack.  I'd guesstimate thier target by looking at thier track and what was strategically valuable (those who go to this effort are usually looking at starting a strategic campain), then position myself to intercept the goon as they get close.  Sometimes I can fly 2 sorties while waiting to go intercept them.  Sometimes I have to go as soon as I realize what's happening.  But 1 person can prevent this.  If you're bombing put out calls on the country channel.  More than 1 call, because in the heat of a dogfight not many people are focused on the radio buffer and miss msgs.  I know I have to hit the tab key and catch up after I've been turning with someone.

And if the bishcuits dinnae want to bother with stopping the attack, change to the rooks and join The Wrecking Crew  =)

Offline Minotaur

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Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2000, 01:45:00 AM »

Frankly, I want the game changed...


Offline MiG Eater

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Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2000, 01:05:00 PM »
Originally posted by 214CaveJ:
It's this simple.  Watch the map.  .....

This assumes two things, though Cave.  One, radar has to be operational and you actually have to be logged in.  I can understand Mino's frustation especially if one is logging on for the first time of the day and finds this situation has already developed.  With the quick access to HQ and other lucrative targets, a couple of enemy pilots could degrade your country's ability to fight effectively for hours.  

Great discussion on a well executed base capture.


[This message has been edited by MiG Eater (edited 02-06-2000).]


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Boloney Again! Base Supply Lines Issue
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2000, 02:40:00 PM »
Mig it can be frustrating to log into that situation, done it plenty of times meself.

As for degrading a country's ability to fight for hours it's not that easy.  Just a couple of hours ago The Wrecking Crew did a sneak on f19 and were sucessful in capturing the field.  Then we started launching from 19 to start the strategic campain to degrade the bish'es ability to fight.  We dinnae get very far because of determined opposition in the area =)