I am really beginning to hate that message.
It comes up at strange times, doesnt seem to take much to cause it, and when it happens, you cannot control your airplane for a short time.
Once right after takeoff it came on, I couldnt control my plane and crashed. Today, once again I was chasing a con, he dove, I followed, that damn message came up and I went on right into the ground. To many times now I have been in a fight and this handsomehunk message popped up and it has caused me to die. I AM NOT MOVING MY STICK FAST!!!
One time, flying along at altitude I started yanking the stick around real hard to see what it took to make the warning come on and I couldt activate it. So many other times I have just been doing regular fighting when this message/lockup happened.
It sucks, and it must be fixed. I am sure it was instituted to prevent stick stirring, but I am not a stick stirrer.