Author Topic: Last night <S> Skatsr & co  (Read 355 times)

Offline Noir

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Last night <S> Skatsr & co
« on: July 17, 2009, 07:53:42 AM »
I got discoed just after ending the flight for some fight I guess someone had to win at the end :salute I've gotta stop giving my 6 away to hunt some lanc !  :D

Here is the film of my whole sortie
now posting as SirNuke

Offline skatsr

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Re: Last night <S> Skatsr & co
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 02:11:38 PM »
<S> Sirnuk1,

  That was a typical sortie for myself. You did a nice job of catching me at the top of my run, besides the fact I didnt see you , even if I had ,I had so speed to manuver away at all. You did the same thing to snailman later on, you caught him at the top when he finished his pass.
  Now if it was in your place, I would had killed the b24's that were bombing your cv first , then I would had gone after the con over field, after all I was only plane in the area and lower than you and the b24's were almost under you. It would not had takin much to kill the buffs and still be in position for me over your field. But thats just me :) .

 As far as the second fight with me, looking at the lancs didnt hurt you at all, not with me anyway, I was lower and slower than you, I really was no threat till after we started to fight and we reversed each other. The puff ack got very bad and I was close to cv and your base and knowing that I would be fighting rolling scissors with you, I extended away from the danger so I could fight you without friends and far enough away so that if I get your six, you cant jump into ack or help. I probably would had waited about 20 more seconds, but you pulled up so I had to go after you before you got away. being you was in a la5 made the fight more interesting.

 This was a typical run for me , and a typical outcome.

<S> SkatSr