played a wind band version of this in college. It doesn't do the orchestral piece justice. I think the links is a bit slower than an actual recording I have conducted by the composer, but it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
This one the above-mentioned wind band (all teachers, students, and amateurs) played in our conductor's final performance before he retired. This was sight-read AT the concert. No rehearsal before, and he had no idea we were going to do it.
And I can't leave out these. I LOVED the music from the Lord of the Rings, and these have to be two of my favorites. I don't have the piece from the Charge online anywhere, but that's #1.
The Crack of Doom - The Ring goes into the Fire. This has to be one of the most AMAZING choir pieces I've ever heard, but traditional OR film.
Bilbo's Song - The very last piece that ends the "Fan Credits" of the Return of the King: Extended Edition