Author Topic: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?  (Read 1917 times)

Offline crazyivan

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2008, 08:22:03 PM »
thas hank the angry drunken dwarf  :rock :rock :rock
That would a level 8 dwarf to you ! :aok
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Offline crockett

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2008, 08:24:26 PM »
With Combat Tour now waterlogged and drifting off, slowly sinking, I am thinking back to one of the aspects of that promised game that I was somewhat looking forward to. We were told that we would be able to gain experience for our virtual pilot, which could then be invested in attributes of our choice...such as better vision (see icons farther off), better G tolerance (less frequent blackouts), etc. I believe there was also talk about an overall ranking or level system, and some character control outside of the cockpit.

No and I'll tell you why.. It would make it even harder for new players to compete. Lets face it, this game already has a long learning curve and that should be all the advantage you need.

I'll give you an example.. The start of this month I decided to give Eve-Online a try with it's 2 week trial. That has the same kind of system as you proposed but of course much more in depth. The problem was it took hours upon hours to train up your skills, so here I am a 2 week noob trying to do some player vs player battles. Well needless to say I got smoked every single battle simply because my skills wernt trained up to be able to use this or that. It had nothing do do with how well I could physically play the game, because I had no chance against guys that had played it for years and built up all these trained skills.

The basics of the game is fine IMHO.. We just need a way to encourage players to fight and focus on actually improving their "actual" skills vs looking for easy ways to gain score like so many of the players do today.


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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2008, 08:35:10 PM »
The basics of the game is fine IMHO.. We just need a way to encourage players to fight and focus on actually improving their "actual" skills vs looking for easy ways to gain score like so many of the players do today.

this is why i believe that if you place a bounty on the heads of the better players then newer players would be encouraged to seek them out and engage them. the idea changes nothing about the attributes of the player or the plane, he wins or loses on his own real life ability. but it encourages him by giving him higher perks and bragging rights that he downed a ranked player.

it also does not award those that work their score to gain a high rank by hunting out the noobs or dweebs while flying uber-rides. play the hard road to earn the perkies.

one more additional side effect is that it cuts the amount of perkies a ranked player will gain making it harder for them to afford to fly the uber-rides constantly. nothing more annoying than a high ranked player that wont get out of the 262.


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Offline crockett

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2008, 08:42:35 PM »
this is why i believe that if you place a bounty on the heads of the better players then newer players would be encouraged to seek them out and engage them. the idea changes nothing about the attributes of the player or the plane, he wins or loses on his own real life ability. but it encourages him by giving him higher perks and bragging rights that he downed a ranked player.

it also does not award those that work their score to gain a high rank by hunting out the noobs or dweebs while flying uber-rides. play the hard road to earn the perkies.

one more additional side effect is that it cuts the amount of perkies a ranked player will gain making it harder for them to afford to fly the uber-rides constantly. nothing more annoying than a high ranked player that wont get out of the 262.


Doing that would just encourage hoarding.. You would end up with tards spying and doing .wingman on the player with a bounty, then 5 or 6 of his buddies would go hunt him down.

As far as perks go, I'd only change one thing. I'd give more reward for risking your perks in a high perk ride. I mean what the heck, I take up a 262 risking 200 some odd perks, land with 5 or 6 kills and I'm lucky to earn 1 or 2 perks. If you are risking the perks you should get a better reward if you manage to land your kills.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 08:44:31 PM by crockett »

Offline rabbidrabbit

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2008, 08:45:13 PM »
this is why i believe that if you place a bounty on the heads of the better players then newer players would be encouraged to seek them out and engage them. the idea changes nothing about the attributes of the player or the plane, he wins or loses on his own real life ability. but it encourages him by giving him higher perks and bragging rights that he downed a ranked player.

it also does not award those that work their score to gain a high rank by hunting out the noobs or dweebs while flying uber-rides. play the hard road to earn the perkies.

one more additional side effect is that it cuts the amount of perkies a ranked player will gain making it harder for them to afford to fly the uber-rides constantly. nothing more annoying than a high ranked player that wont get out of the 262.


Rank is easily gameable and therefore little indication of skill.  Who says the higher ranked player wants to be griefed?


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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #50 on: October 29, 2008, 09:06:58 PM »
Doing that would just encourage hoarding.. You would end up with tards spying and doing .wingman on the player with a bounty, then 5 or 6 of his buddies would go hunt him down.

well if he is truly skilled and not a milk runner then he will welcome the fights wont he? if he is a fighter Jockey of the purest sense then 5 or 6 or even 10 noobs wont amount to that much of a challenge. i don't see shawk or shreck or Lynx or grim or skyrock running from that group.

people hoard and pick people already, this just gives more motivation for people to hunt down the opponents who have some kind of skill.

it also reduces the perks of those that just want to pick on noobs and score hore while flying their F-16's. they don't get much of a pay off from it.

Rank is easily gameable and therefore little indication of skill.  Who says the higher ranked player wants to be griefed?

well if they don't want to be as you say griefed then why are they playing? the game is about fighting, not flying around in cartoon airplane land admiring the scenery. if they don't want to fight then maybe they are in the wrong game.

if score is completely irrelevant to skill then why isn't there any first month or two players in the top few hundred? if they have a high rank then they must have some level of skill, if they earned it by faking or milking it then i guess the joke will be on them in the end wont it?


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Offline ink

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2008, 09:21:35 PM »
I personally like the idea of perks being multiplied by the amount of nme or friendlies in the immediate area,of the kill.

my score would be great :lol

Offline rabbidrabbit

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2008, 09:25:37 PM »
I'm sure they all want a flock of newbs following them around ramming and hoing them at every chance.  Ya, that will go over well.

Newbs may not figure it our immediately but it does not take long to learn how to game the scoring system. Your premise is fundamentally flawed on every level.  There are plenty of good ways to use a perk economy but this isn't one of them.

Offline NCLawman

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2008, 10:44:26 PM »
Dang, I was hoping you were asking about rocket propelled grenades for taking out that lone tiger guarding the map room.   :lol
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Offline Sonicblu

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2008, 11:09:49 PM »
Hmm Ive been playing for 3 yrs and still haven't leveled up to a good pilot it takes a lot of work. I like ace high the way it is.

I think the nuke would be fun though lol one bomb nuke the whole sector. but it should cost 10,000 perks and we all get our perks reset.

can you imagine the perk farming that would happen. lol

Offline LYNX

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2008, 11:14:21 PM »
actually LYNX you were one of the people i had in mind :devil

it has nothing to do with levels or gaining attributes or anything else. it would be incentive to hunt down the better players and engage them, essentially it would be putting a bounty on them.

and as far as the possible number of names of the ranks go, like i said i was just giving a for instance on the numbers. as you go further back from first enlarge the number of pilots per group, say 5 in the first then 10 in the second 15 in the third ect, or mix the names of rank from all of the countries that fought or just make it up. whatever, the names would be the least important issue.


I'm not all opposed to this.  I see that it could be beneficial to all concerned  :D

Offline CJ nitro

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #56 on: October 29, 2008, 11:55:36 PM »
No to airwow. Want to see more realism like lead computing gun sights, a more meaningful strat system, more vehicles and planes that are as realistic as they can be without regards to bring fair. Fairness is what perks are meant to be spent on. Like paying for perk planes. You are paying to take up that ride that would be unfair to use without paying for it right? Graphics updates and a complete planeset. Give us the toys in the sandbox no matter what they are. Perk what you must to keep it "fair" but make it realistic short of a half hour walk around before going hunting. We the player will take care of the rest. 


Offline trotter

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2008, 12:03:59 AM »
Dang, I was hoping you were asking about rocket propelled grenades for taking out that lone tiger guarding the map room.   :lol

LOL. Yeah, what I should have said: Would you welcome a rear-aspect RPG to this game?  :lol

Offline toonces3

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2008, 01:09:36 AM »
You guys are missing the point of, what I think trotter was saying, in his original post:

This game is like a freaking treadmill.  You get on, you fly around, you shoot down dudes, but you never actually get anywhere.

I've only been playing for, like, 18 months.  But even after that 'relatively' short amount of time, I find myself wondering why I bother ALOT lately.  Check my stats (but not too hard).  My playing is way skewed to the left.  I started.  Got into it.  Joined a squad.  Got REALLY into it.  Got decent in it.  Branched out.  Started exploring the planeset.  Did ok.  And then...well, I started wondering where I was going with all these virtual hours of flight time.

I have alot of hours in flight sims over my lifetime.  The thing that separates AH2 from, say, Falcon 4, is that there's no GOAL in AH2.  It's a treadmill.  A hamster wheel.  There's no goal to achieve, no campaign to conquer, nothing beyond the 30 seconds and 600 yards in front of my prop.  Every month I get a clean slate, every trip to the tower I get a new life.  One month I can be a chump, the next month I can be a hero.

I suppose I can't say it better than trotter already did.  So I'll stop here.
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Offline moot

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Re: Would you welcome an RPG aspect to this game?
« Reply #59 on: October 30, 2008, 01:44:11 AM »
A solution looking for a problem?
Hello ant
running very fast
I squish you