Based on the D3As we shot down and the ones that shot my guys down I came up with this count:
9 GIAP - 7
613th Pariah - 3
412th Braunco Mustangs - 7
Righteous Vengeance - 7
VF-6 - 8
The Damned - 4
347th - 17
Added together gives 53.
Now I'll admit this is ONLY counting squads I could confirm via kill/death recording in the logs. I didn't check for damage inflicted to Midway see if there was anyone else, but to be honest counting up to 53 was enough.
Personally, I'd have gladly traded ten or so kills to accomplishing our assignment. The strike package suffered heavy losses but Midway was still flattened and that's a failure in my book.
I'm glad those D3As only had BBs. I had at LEAST 40 holes in my plane (25 in the left wing, 4-5 in the canopy, maybe 10-15 in the right wing) and lost one of my guns, and my wingman had about 20-30 hits.