Hello All,
Been back in AH for about 3 week after a almost 4 year LOA. I have to say that has been difficult to get back in the saddle
Is there any specific times that trainers are available in the training arena.
Shoot me a email or give me a holler if you are in the MA. I have been flying Monday and Tuesday nights. ( as a knit ) help me get back up to speed.
There are several things that I have noticed but, I just cant find my pace in the 51 these days.
1, I am not setting up a proper egress path to extend.
2, I am getting defensive too fast. ( I used to get on top of a fight and stay there as well as get good results.)
3, I can not get the pony over the top fast enough to get around on a NME. ( always leads to me having to try to escape or drag to a fren )
4, my gunnery is totally stinking. deflection, saddled up on the 6, and snap shots. ( this is costing me the most because I am not taking advantage of any kind of firing solution that I get. ) I have tried the convergance at all ranges. from D200 to D 600.
5, I would also like to get my bombing and rox skills back up to speed. ( this I do not have a clue on it has been so long ! )
I can correct some of this on my own but, I am having trouble putting the total package back together.
That is where a trainer would come in to give me some advice and get me back up to speed. Even winging up In the MA with another Pony driver would me most helpful.
BTW..... I even tried a Spit for the first time in my virtual pilot career and I have to say.... dang! now I know people new to WWII combat flight sims fly them. what a uber ride !